Tales of Avlear

Dracus knocks them all away and says "I would guess so now for your true test control yourself or you'll die I'll only save you once but after that your on your own got it Bon."
Bon-Bon grabbed her head in pain, the demon seed on her head was glowing darker and darker with energy. The Cold arua around her body soon changed into a Freezing one.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Screamed Bon-Bon as she grew three long fox like tail, her pink dmonioc eye became more demon like and slowly began to fade into red and grew fangs. "T-the Seed....It...w-went...50%" Said Bon-Bon as she tried to hold back the demon seed.

The arua of the demon seed wrapped around Bon-Bon's body, she grew three more Fox tail, her skin color changed to a light purple, Bon-Bon let out a raor as her nails grew longer and sharper and her fangs became more longer and sharpper, "70%" Growled Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes.
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Bon-Bon was now asleep under the tree, she dreamed of that day when she escaped the plant when she was 5, and how Bon-Bon first meet Lanheart when he was 6. "What's your name?" Said Lanheart "I...I don't know. I forgot, no one has called my name in a long time." Said Bon-Bon.
"How about Bon-Bon." Said Lanheart. "Huh? why?" Said Bon-Bon. "For those things you tie up your hair with, they look like the Candy called Bon-Bons." Said Lanheart. "Okay, I'm Bon-Bon." Said Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon eyes shot open, "Oh, it was just a dream." Sighed Bon-Bon as she laied back. Bon-Bon looked around, "Oh yeah, I'm training to contorl my Demon Seed." Said Bon-Bon to herself.
KG looked at the situation. I have about 5 seconds before the sword impales me....... I got it! KG had 3 second left. He jumped upwards, and held his sword facing tip down as he fell. I should land in 3 seconds if I put all my weight downwards.
Josh missed his attack as KG dodged the edge of his blade. Then, with the sword in his left hand, Josh made an upward slash trying to attack KG while he still was about to land. All of this happened in a a few seconds, with the a huge mist being lifted surrounding both warriors. Expecting that his attack would surely land, Josh grinned while satring straight at KG's eyes. The flames that were all around the arena burned even fiercer than before, as if they were responding to the intentions of both fighters. The only thing that could be heard were the sounds of swords clashing with great intensity, bone shattering blows, two titans struggling for victory.
KG did an in air jump, and landed in front of Josh. "Well. No one hits, so I guess I'll take it up a notch." KG iniciated his false sleep technique, thus summoning Shukaku. The badger demon towered over Josh, raised it's sword, which also had multiplied in size, and brought it down upon Josh.
Bon-Bon jumpped alittle due to Dracus sudden apperance from the trees. "Um, I don't know. I'm not that sure anymore if I can do this." Said Bon-Bon as she stood up.

"Look, maybe this is a bad idea, this seed is too dangures for me to control." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Dracus.
Josh looked surprised to see a huge monster being summmoned by KG and the only words he could say wer "Holy sh**.....!" Without loosing a single second, Josh made a side step dodge and the sword of his opponent crashed next to him. Soon after that, Josh jumped high into the air and he came down piercing the tail of the demon that was perviously summoned.
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((The monster doesn't have armor. It's weak spot is it's tail.))

The monster glaned of the attack. KG was asleep on the head, half of his body in the monster. Shukaku roared and part of the stand collapsed. The sound was deafening. Shukaku swung the sword again at Josh.
Dracus sighs and says "Bon I know you don't want to but if you don't then you'll kill everyone close to you I already knwo it to thanks to one of my powers."