Tales of Avlear

The Dragon Knight smirked after he noticed that Hera Ledro was behind him. Suddenly the Dragon Knight's body disappeared like mist and only a faint echo of his laughter was left behind. As soon as they began to search for their opponent, the Dragon Knight reappeared in front of Hera Ledro.

"You are so powerless Hera. Haven't you realized that you will never defeat our lord? No matter how strong you get, the result will always be the same, you will be defeated. Hera you may be strong in your own planet, but here.....hehe....this is our Lord's domain. Only the Maiden of Mana is capable of sealing the power of our master. Unfortunately for you Hera, the Maiden's power is far from being awakened."

The Dragon Knight stepped closer as he unsheathed his cursed dragon sword and shield. The aura that was emanated from that Knight was a slight demonstration of how much power Aiden obtained from Gyki.

"Dear Lady Bon-Bon......I have a message from our master....he said that your friend is......dead..Aiden is no more...and Lanheart is next! Muahahahahahaha!!!"
After saying that, the Dark Knight burst out laughting as he readied his weapon, preparing to attack Hera at any moment.
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Lanheart... I hope he's okay, but if the Maidens of Mana can seal his power, why can RPGirl do it, I mean she's one too...unless... He already got her!...I haven't seen RPGirl once scines I've been here, I should worry too much, cuz RPGirl can't be killed, but its a diffrent story if she's caged.

Bon-Bon became wrapped in thought as DarkKinght and Hera batlled, but the surpent is still sailing south.
((what happened to KG? Should I take over him from here, or has RPGirl been role playing with him goodly?))
((I meant you! You were supposed to control my character.... just..... PM me when it's a good time to show up again.))
OOC: Sry I've been away. Got a puppy for the house on Saturday, and had to train and give it a bath on Sunday. Squall, I'm assuming that, as you have posted no bio for this Dragon Knight, that he is an NPC (Non-playable character) to be used only by you. As such, I believe that it is not considered god-modding for me to destroy him in my post. If I am wrong, PM me or post it in your next post, so that i may edit this post.

Hera noticed the mist-like movements of his foe. Ahhh, a mist-mover. Addressing the black knight, he called, "Have you not the courage or honour to face me in open combat, with no tricks? Or are you such a coward that you must resort to artificial condensation to defeat your foe? If so, then you will prove me no challenge." Hera's body flared with a golden aura, and his power was absolute, though nowhere near the true strength that he held.

His body coursed with the energy of thousands of transformations into a Ledrai Allsie, and he was going to end this quick. "You ready?" Hera mocked the fake dragon knight. "You have no idea the power you are lacking, for you are darkness bound and sealed into a spirit, a physcal shell of nothing but emptiness and cruelty." Hera considered him for a moment, measuring his power. "You cannot compare to me. The power I hold is uncountably higher than yours, and I do not wish to waste my time with you."

Hera raised his hand and blasted a gargantuan golden wave towards the foe. It hit, and consumed the creature, tearing it's body apart. Hera heard it's muffled screams over the roar of the beam, and allowed the beam to dissipate. There was nothing left but a few bits of armor.

Turning back to Bon-Bon and Josh, he soared through the water (much of which was now evaporated due to the intensity of the heat emitted by the flame), allowing himself to revert back to his normal form, his black hair swirling inthe water. He was not even out of breath from the attack.
The Sea Serpent let out a roar, Bon-Bon and Jazz looked up at the Serpent and watched it dock at a Port. "Guys we finaly reached the Southern content." Siad Bon-Bon. Jazz, Josh and Bon-Bon got off the serpent, "There should be a town alittle ways from her, its called Fishburg. There was can restolk, but only if none of the resents are currpeted." Siad Jazz.

"Aye." Said Bon-Bon. "Lets go poeple." Siad Josh.
Hera patted the serpent on the snout as it sank into the depths. Thanks for taking Bon-Bon, and the rest here, he told the serpent through thoughts. The serpent, intelligent as all animals were, understood Hera and nodded. After that moment, nothing was left except a gentle rippling in the waves.

Turning to Bon-Bon, Josh, and the newcomer, Jazz, he said, "I'll keep an eye out for people with malicious intent. That knight could track us underwater, who knows what would be able to track us aboveground." Hera rose in the air, ignoring the many people who so obviously wanted to kill him. He floated about 20 metres from the ground, closing his eyes and extending his mind, feeling for any malevolent foes that may be near. Much to his surprise, there was a great concentration of it northwards. He frowned, and fell down to the ground, landing softly on his feet and sending dust flying in a puff around him.

"We have a major stronghold of evil," he called to them. "It's northwards, and very close, so you'd better hurry. There's a lot of evil energy, and it isn't very discreet."
"Northwards, that the way to the Ice Shrine." Siad Bon-Bon with a little worry. "You guys go ahead and head for Fishburg, it south just over that hill. I'm going to check out that Dark Energy to the north." Siad Jazz as she began to run off.

"Wait, Jazz. Tell me what you know about the Madiens Of Mana." Siad Bon-Bon. Jazz looked back at Bon-Bon with a little saddness, "They are Scarfical Lambs." Siad Jazz as she ran off northwards. Bon-Bon eyes widen, "We are Scarface... for what?" Siad Bon-Bon.
OOC: I am so sorry I haven't been on. I've been sick, and before that I had exams and stuff, so I've had a hellish month.

BTW, ur a noughty girl, RPGirl. Horrid grammar and spelling. *shakes head* If u were my future student, i'd give u such a telling-off (I'm studying to be an English Teacher).

IC: So, their sacrifices, these 'Maidens of the Mana', thought Hera. That makes my job doubly hard, and I'll have to protect them from much more. I'm willing to bet my tail that there are a number of bounty hunters looking for them. Hera nodded to Jazz. "I may not know you, but I advise that you hurry back, especially if you are going to help protect Bon-Bon."

Hera turned to Bon-Bon. "We should get going," he said. "Who knows what might happen, especially to one as wanted as you sound." Hera turned south. "

"Are we ready to depart?"
OOC: Sorry, spelling isn't one of my strong points

IC: Jazz disappered over the Southern horizon. An eerie wind blew though Bon-Bon as she watched Jazz run off. It was quite out there as the snowfell silently too quite. "I'm ready to go." Siad Bon-Bon as she face north.

Something is worng, its too quite and I can feel something in the air. Bon-Bon made her way over the nothern hill and spoted a twon in the distansed, "Oh, there's Fishburg!" Siad Bon-Bon as she pointed to the town.
OOC: It's fine. If you have trouble spelling a word though, just look up at my posts. I won't deny that there will be typos, but the general spelling is good (far from perfect, I won't deny).

IC: Hera nodded, the chill unsettling him. "Yes, we should go." He followed Bon-Bon's gaze to the north and saw a small settlement on the horizon. He took flight, keeping his wings wrapped around his body for warmth. Hovering for a moment, Hera turned towards the distant settlement.

"We should take our time though," he said. "This winter doesn't look very friendly, and it will help," he said, waving his hand. A scorch mark appeared on the ground where snow had been only moments before. "If we leave marks for Jazz to follow if he decides to come back."

Hera turned towards the horizon. "Shall we then?"