012: Duodecim Hp Increasing Accessories

Thief of Hearts Joker

~Phantom of the Past~
Feb 18, 2011
In another Palace stealing Hearts.
Squall Leonhart
Kuro Narukami
FFXIV Server
Im talking about the ones that increase HP by 50,000 and/or 500%

These Accessories are supposed to be in the game ((LY Is my source for this info))

Ive yet to find a website with a guide to Items/Accessories to make,so has anyone made one and if so what do I need to make said Accessory?
Try FFWiki or the Dissidia Forums.. they might be able to help you here :D

they are in the game because have them on the japanese version of the game.... but sadly i can't read japanese :wacky:
Im talking about the ones that increase HP by 50,000 and/or 500%

They're in there, but you're not supposed to have them. I have them both equipped on my two mains, and it raised their HP to around 95k.

Yes, my Dissidia is hacked to the point of no return. :mokken:
ohh... i must of had them because i had a downloaded save for the JP Version XD
More than likely. :wacky:

People usually hack them into the saves and then upload them. Meaning, if you downloaded a save, you have the items. They're completely overkill. :rofl:
It's only hacked if they catch you using it. :wacky:

You should have seen the look on my friends face when I showed up to battle with a 95k HP Prishe.

...Can players at least have over 9999 HP? Isn't very fair against 125,698 HP! :rage: At least that's what I've read, I won't have the game until August 26th (22nd birthday), but yeah...

I have all the first Dissidia characters at Level 100, and got 100% PP Catalog, so I am just mastering more abilities of characters to prepare. Currently working on Sir Jecht. :P
You can get over 9999 HP because some equipment can get you up to about 10700 it to stop one hit ko's
I was hoping to be able to break 9999 by at least 1k... <.< I guess I was just hoping that with removed HP limit and all, they may add new items that gave bigger HP boosts, or adjust the amount items would boost HP by in general, since items don't even carry over from a Dissidia: Final Fantasy save... :|