012: Duodecim Dissidia Duodecim Replay Thread


England's Answer to A Epic Wheelchair Driving Arml
Feb 25, 2010
Southend, UK
Yuno Mizuno
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Silver Lining
If you want to post any of your replay videos :) post them here

Hint to moods... Please Sticky
If you want to post any of your replay videos :) post them here

Hint to moods... Please Sticky


so this is the new place to put up the replay's ok

does that mean the replay's of the comp as well
or is it still in the other thread?

so this is the new place to put up the replay's ok

does that mean the replay's of the comp as well
or is it still in the other thread?

you can post them in both places XD it just to let people show everybody

and no the comp is club related soo they will be posted in the club :wacky:
here's a couple i uploaded tonight :D one with yuna and one with squall XD

i'm proud of the second one :D that was a very tough battle... if i was using any other character... i would of have failed
here's mine

set to the song

Strike of The Ninja by Dragonforce

My level 18 Sephiroth v.s level 14 Warrior of Light


oh and by the way i used YouTube movie maker to add the song in the background.
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Here's another one of mine

and another

personally I love using Squall. His attacks rule and his extra costumes kick ass. Plus he uses a freaking Gunblade.

(did I mention Squall uses a Gunblade?)


i know i suck. i know this is against the AI. Shut up aout it. :hmph:

Wail on my skillz plz.

wow.......sorry, but 4 freaking minutes to beat Gabaranth????? Honestly???? (by the way just giving you shit, don't feel bad for I have done worse)

That being said, SquareEnix should never have even considered putting Gabaranth in Douodecim, could've done better with a character choice (like Vivi:ryan:)
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wow.......sorry, but 4 freaking minutes to beat Gabaranth????? Honestly???? (by the way just giving you shit, don't feel bad for I have done worse)

That being said, SquareEnix should never have even considered putting Gabaranth in Douodecim, could've done better with a character choice (like Vivi:ryan:)

This was with the EMPEROR.

I could just rush in blindly. But I decided to play the way Empy should be played. Besides Gabby runs away when he isn't in exmode. So for half the time i would be chasing him down.

though looking back. i shouldve Red flare-star fall. but i was trying to stall out the battle for an Ex burst. Which i belive I did get in the end. or not.