012: Duodecim Need Major Help

Dec 5, 2010
at my computer
-ok first of all i need help in the shop i have two level 100s and the rest are above level 40 but i only have level 60 equipment i completed the story mode and only did reports till gilgamesh and Prishe
-how does the relic system work i want good equipment that give bonus exp (for a build)
-how much was Tina (terra) nerfed i heard she was majorly nerfed but how did she get nerfed like what did they do to her because she was good in the first one
-I know tidus attack pattern by heart (for the most part) so is tidus good for training with Ex Death
-Jechts attack involve tricky combos and the only way to do them is listen to the grunts or watch for a red ring when he is in EX mode does that make the ring brighter so you can see better?
-for the exp build whats the easiest way to get super ribbon and whats a good EX build and how to get the items necessary and whats a good wall smash build and again how do i get the items necessary
i know im asking alot but please try to answer :)
Wow... that's a lot to process at once. Let's see what I can do here...
1) I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here... are you talking about the "ultimate" weapons (Heaven's Cloud, Death Penalty etc.) or the unique Lv. 100 weapons (Lion Heart, Fenrir etc.)? Either way, you unlock extra items in the shop by finding or getting two of the required components. Usually this comprises a battlegen component and one other thing. So, for example, to have the Fenrir show up in the shop, you'll need two of these three items:
True Past
Butterfly Edge
2) Relics? I ain't heard of no fancy relics. Do you mean either accessories or artifacts?
Artifacts are the easiest to explain - they're special equipment found randomly in online battles. They're super rare, so don't go planning any builds around them.
Accessories are... really well explained in the manual, so I won't go into it here. Suffice to say that, for a good EXP build, you'll want the Super Ribbon, a couple of Growth Eggs, the Chocobo parts (wing, down and feather), a character at level 100 and (this is just personal preference here) something that boosts initial bravery - Excalibur, Hero's Seal and First to Victory are all excellent choices. Depending on where you want to go (EXP to Brave, HP, Assist or EX), I'd suggest narrowing your focus and asking again. Each is different.
3) Terra got nerfed, yes, but it isn't quite as bad as most of her mains will make out. Sure, her blizzard combo got a major tone-down and the Holy Combo -> Flare -> Ultima is much more inaccurate now than it was, but Terra's other moves are relatively untouched and she's learned a few new tricks as well - Meltdown fully charged chases the opponent at a slower speed for the better part of four or five seconds, fira shoots out from casting at a phenomenal speed and now combos into firaga, an instantaneous explosion that deals HP damage. So, in short, her main attack got nerfed, but she's making up for it.
4) Dear. Sweet. Merciful. Cosmos. No. I assume you're talking about Tidus (you) vs. Exdeath (opponent), in which case that's a big no. Tidus can be pressured far too easily by Exdeath, his dodge attacks come out slower and Exdeath can easily block Tidus' Quick Hit attacks, which makes him a foe to be wary of.
5) Sadly, no. Jecht's EX ability allows him to perform his full combo even when he hasn't hit the opponent, which makes for some fearsome mind-games. If you're having trouble with his combos, look on Youtube for some helpful movies. They're out ther, because Jecht is a powerful opponent once you get those combos down pat.
6)Hoo boy... I can't really help with builds, but I can say this:
Super Ribbon needs 25 Pink Tails in all, which means you'll need a lot of KP. Seek ye out KP farming guides for help on this one - it's been gone over hundreds of times. As for the items, play the game, take note of where you find what tomes (believe me, it'll save so much time later on) in the Untold Tale and experiment with all the different characters to find what works best for you.

As a final note, it would be better for people just coming here if you could more deeply explain exactly what you're trying to achieve - an EXP build could mean EXP to EX, EXP to Bravery, EXP to HP to Bravery... you get the idea.
I hope I've been helpful, or at least not too confusing.

Wow... that's a lot to process at once. Let's see what I can do here...
1) I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here... are you talking about the "ultimate" weapons (Heaven's Cloud, Death Penalty etc.) or the unique Lv. 100 weapons (Lion Heart, Fenrir etc.)? Either way, you unlock extra items in the shop by finding or getting two of the required components. Usually this comprises a battlegen component and one other thing. So, for example, to have the Fenrir show up in the shop, you'll need two of these three items:
True Past
Butterfly Edge
2) Relics? I ain't heard of no fancy relics. Do you mean either accessories or artifacts?
Artifacts are the easiest to explain - they're special equipment found randomly in online battles. They're super rare, so don't go planning any builds around them.
Accessories are... really well explained in the manual, so I won't go into it here. Suffice to say that, for a good EXP build, you'll want the Super Ribbon, a couple of Growth Eggs, the Chocobo parts (wing, down and feather), a character at level 100 and (this is just personal preference here) something that boosts initial bravery - Excalibur, Hero's Seal and First to Victory are all excellent choices. Depending on where you want to go (EXP to Brave, HP, Assist or EX), I'd suggest narrowing your focus and asking again. Each is different.
4) Dear. Sweet. Merciful. Cosmos. No. I assume you're talking about Tidus (you) vs. Exdeath (opponent), in which case that's a big no. Tidus can be pressured far too easily by Exdeath, his dodge attacks come out slower and Exdeath can easily block Tidus' Quick Hit attacks, which makes him a foe to be wary of.
As a final note, it would be better for people just coming here if you could more deeply explain exactly what you're trying to achieve - an EXP build could mean EXP to EX, EXP to Bravery, EXP to HP to Bravery

ok thx for the weapons part thou i just meant anything high level and yea i meant artifacts not relics :) and no i didnt mean me play as tidus vs Ex Death i meant me play as Ex Death vs tidus cause i can easily tell when tidus is about to attack except for his random two hit attack that doesnt chain to anything and i meant and EXP to Bravery and trust me i know a good one ;) but i also saw a interesting build where the person was getting bravery from dodging? do you know anything about that build
4)Oh. Well in that case, go nuts! He's eminently punishable if you can survive chase sequences.
As for the Dodging, that probably came about through liberal application of the Adamant Chain build. By using the Zephyr Cloak, the Adamantine equipment and suitable boosters, a wearer is able to achieve some sizable bravery gains when they dodge. It's the distaff counterpart to the Heart's Ease and Snowflake sets - essentially, Adamantine + Zephyr Cloak = Tidus while Heart's Ease + Snowflake = Exdeath.
XP to brave just needs the Growth Eggs (equip Pebbles and break 'em open to get Growth Seeds, which refine into Growth Eggs), Chocobo parts and a good boost in initial bravery - it's the most basic XP build out there, which makes it the easiest to achieve.