012: Duodecim Is Dissidia a prequel to Final Fantasy I


England's Answer to A Epic Wheelchair Driving Arml
Feb 25, 2010
Southend, UK
Yuno Mizuno
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Silver Lining
I have a theory (yep the world ending XD) that dissidia could very well be a prequel to the first Final Fantasy.. here are my reasons.. number 1 is that chaos is in the game and he is also in the first game... number 2, at theend of dissidia.. the warrior of light walks off with his crystal heading to a castle.. that could very well be the point when he meets the other warriors of light and then heads of to the castle you start at in FFI... this could be true... soo go ahead you can talk about it I want to hear your views :yay:
i dont think it is because WOL knows Garland on dissidia whereas in ffI he doesnt know who he is. Even though everyones memory gets erased at the start of dissidia i don't remember them saying that it will happen when they go back to their own worlds i'd say it's more a sequel.
chaos is the god of discord in dissida but in final fantasy I Chaos is just garland in dissidia garland and chaos are two different (i guess you could say people) in dissidia chaos "dies" in final fantasy garland dies at the end as chaos i really think dissidia is non canon to the main stories
No, Dissidia is not a part of the main FF series. It is just a fanboy game made to pit all the FF characters against each other. There is no connection whatsoever.
in dissidia garland and chaos are two different (i guess you could say people)
I don't think so? I believe it's even mentioned, at some point (by Garland?), that the two are one and the same. Garland could, in a sense, be Chaos's "avatar" of sorts. Someone stop me if I'm wrong, though. lol

And nay on it being a prequel. It's more of an alternate, muddled universe.