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  • i have a tiny screen too. :/ its very depressing... and ya know what? if u have the volume a lil too loud the whole thing shakes!
    ya, im gonna buy one soon tho.but idk when ill get enough!! :( cuz then i can play 13 and all that stuff...
    gggggggrrrr ik!! not a good example of me :/ and i also cannot WAIT until ff versus comes out!! like really, its been taking foreverrrr!
    oh my gosh YEEEEEESSS. every single encounter she was either all girly and giddy, or else she was on the verge of tears. of sometimes sorta stupid things. it was pretty annoying since i pictured her to look like me.
    haha yup :) it was pretty cool at first. then entire book i pictured her just like me. but when it got to the sex scene, that just put a damper on things. I was just like, "k, no thanks!" :olivia:
    ya i did that on my first playthrough too :) l8ly i havent been playing tho... i really should. i mean, i just spent 4 hours reading! :O i could have spent that gaming! :P
    Lol,it wasn't much of a review.I just thought you needed to know a few things about it.
    haha ikr? I'm always a lil creeped when I see it. And actually, I am! Well in ff7 Im just gettin a gold chocobo, thats all. Then I can get me some KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND =0
    NO FRICKIN WAY!! thats just crazy. haha weird?? well anywho... whos ur mother? jkjkjk im no creeper or am i? :wacky:
    Yes,it is a good series,although I haven't played all of it but from my experience with Persona 3 and 4 I have to say I am satisfied.Although it combines the real world with fantasy,it's quite different from final fantasy and persona is very story-driven so there's a lot of story-telling.
    Ahh...I see,well thank you.I appreciate it!Although to be honest my page looks pretty simple.
    Yup. I have one too, but I also have a regular computer, so I use that mostly when I'm not out. And my birthday is on December 22 if ya MUST know... :P
    Oh no problem! :) I always add people who look pretty nice. And I'm good thx. I saw your post on my thread. I think almost the same!
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