Mood: Content
I got back from visiting my dad at the hospital a while ago. He's been in for two months now and it's getting incredibly frustrating for everyone. Thankfully, he's made some friends on his ward, so at least I feel content that he's not alone. It's strange now, since I don't have...
I've had an incredible tough year so far, possibly the worst I've ever had. My parents have both had health problems, I've been in the middle of family feuds, lost a friend and my dad died only to come back. But whilst I was with him today and we talked some things over, he told me I was his...
It was my first Saturday off work since February, but it feels like forever since then though. I've been able to spend time with my family with the pub lunch and Chinese takeout later on. I'm not particularly looking forward to work tomorrow, but I'm quite content with the day I've had.
My laptop is working a little faster now I'm moving a lot of memory onto an external hard drive my mum's partner gave to me. It's taking forever to sort out my music, but it's doing what I set out to do. Also, my personal favourite act for Britain's Got Talent won tonight. Yay!
Mood: Bleh
Work was crap today. The customers weren't bad, but it was just a major onslaught. I wanted to shoot myself after saying, "Would you like a bag for your shopping?" over a million times in the space of a couple of hours. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate having a job, but I'm at the...
Mood: Relaxed
I've been getting too many of these free days to myself now and you'd think I'd be worrying, considering the deadlines for all Uni work are due two weeks on Friday. Buuut I'm not. I should really be getting on with it, but I can't bring myself to. Procastination is such a bitch...
So the other week, Jess threat-... begged me to donate gil for some Survivor challenge or whatnot. Anyway, it got me wanting to come back, as I've now got time for the site in my life. Weeell, that was going to happen and then some stuff happened. Now it's a week later and I'm here.
Ye. P.
Darn it, that was meant to be University work. But yas, the view is splendid! :monocle:
I've actually been gaming a lot recently, considering that I'm actually up to date with my work.
I had to admit that after the disappointing Notorious, I had to feel let down after this new infectious sound that the band had brought in. It took me a while to warm to this, especially since it's so repetitive. But it slowly grew on me, unlike their first single, and it's a great song in...
Mood: Good
Reason: Apart from the fact I'm fed up of applying for, what seem to be, hundreds of jobs and not hearing back, I'm all right. I'm on top of my work at Uni for once, which is rare for me since I'm usually having to quickly rush it a day or two before the deadline. I'm eagerly waiting...
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