[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Awesome

Reason: I have a job! I was supposed to hear back from someone on Wednesday, I just got a phone call through now, so evidently I made a better impression than I initially thought...either that, or I'm actually more employable than any competition I had, because I'm only in two days a week and have a degree in a subject that focuses on attention to detail. It's part-time, working from home, transcribing stuff for the University, as and when work comes in. The rate of pay is pretty awesome, and this will give me some much-needed pocket money. Just need to go in on Thursday and finalise everything. Yay! :yay:
Mood: :rage:

I'm currently reviewing for my French 10 finals tomorrow. I got if off our class' yahoo group. I was going to print it but we ran out of ink, so I'm studying on my laptop. This can only end in me being distracted the whole night and procrastinating like so. :wacky:

It makes me sad that it doesn't end after this, because next sem I'm taking French 11. :hmph:
Mood: Apathetic

Reason: I've stayed in my room just wasting the hours away when I should have been reading up on the 'Territorial Trap', the period of Enlightenment and perhaps a few other stuff. And there's an evening lecture coming up at 6, when I normally have kitchen socials then - and I honestly cannot be arsed going. 9am Enlightenment lecture tomorrow first thing, oh huzzah.
Mood: Good

Reason: Apart from the fact I'm fed up of applying for, what seem to be, hundreds of jobs and not hearing back, I'm all right. I'm on top of my work at Uni for once, which is rare for me since I'm usually having to quickly rush it a day or two before the deadline. I'm eagerly waiting for the new DLC for Dragon Age II to appear on the Playstation Store. I clearly have nothing better to do! One housemate is upstairs sleeping and the other is at lecture, leaving with me nothing much to do. xD
Mood: Blegh. Well there is only four days of school this week since yesterday was thanksgiving. I did not really celebrate it at all. Ugh I have a test tomorrow and I can not afford to do bad. It should not be so hard, as I did good on the first. I have my English presentation part Thursday, so I need to make sure I know what I am saying. Been working on it for the last three days or so now. Ah yes, tomorrow for the College is a Monday schedule since Monday was closed for Thanksgiving. I am happy I will not be having Wed's schedule tomorrow for two things. I do not have to go early tomorrow, and Wed is my long day. Need to finish up my other term project as well.. which is almost done. Then I have other stuff to do as well. English teacher will give an extra week for the essay since we are presenting on Thursday. It is absolutely important that I get a better mark on the essay. Other stuff is coming up as well. *Sigh* I can not wait till October is over.
Mood: Goodygood

It's weird, I usually don't feel happy during the week and not like I have a reason to feel good, but for some reason the breezy weather has helped me calm the fuck down, and actually enjoy myself. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm a big fan of cold weather. So, that could be one explanation. Either way, I'm just doin' good. :yay:
Mood: Meh

Reason: Getting the courage to breakup with your boyfriend of almost two years sucks, especially since you've dumped him before and are too chicken sh*t to do it again.
Mood: All right :grin:

I am all right. I had an ok sleep so I am not too tired, I got Monday off work so I get an extra long weekend :jess: hung out with my bud last night and watched skins which is an awesome TV show btw :rage: Why did it take me so long to conform and watch it?!?!

I'm a bit sad about a few things but they're things I should not be sad about and am just getting myself wound up over nothing :hmmm: but eh, that's no big deal :grin:

I just can't wait to go home and watch the season final of the Renovators :woo:
Mood: still :rage:

So I get up early and get ready to go to uni for my French exam. I texted my friend who took an even earlier exam schedule to ask which room the exams were being held. She replies that it's not until tomorrow. :ffs:

Tomorrow. :ffs:

Anyway, I'm just eating Meiji Macadamia Chocolates because it's Chocolate Week (no really, it actually is officially chocolate week everywhere). :wacky: I'll probably study again tonight. For now, I'm happily rotting in my room with my Incubus playlist and scented candles. :griin:
Mood: Happy!

Well I finally got The Thief and the Cobbler DVD in the mail today. Took much longer than usual so I was starting to think it got lost in the mail. >.<

Anyway Steve is still not home. When I got home it looked like he had been back at home at one stage today during work. Must have had a break and then had to go back.

So I'm all lonely right now and I want an alcoholic drink. >.<
Glad to behome

Was at the doctor again today for blood tests. See if they can figure out whats wrong with me. Ive had blood tests before, never had problems with them. The nurse asked 'so you dont get nautious or faint?' Naw not at all. I needed 4 blood tests done and you shoulda seen the state of me afterwards. I broke out in a massive sweat and nearly passed out :rage: I had to lye down on the bed in the surgery :ffs:
Apparently that can happen when you dont eat breakfast before getting it done.

Went into work afterwards and got a bunch of horrrrible jobs :(
But now im home so who cares :ryan:
Mood: Content :ryan:

I got sleep last night, it was so wonderful :jess: I was so tired from not getting any the night before. ...I also have two more days off before I go back to work for the weekend and that is always a fabulous thing :griin: Also, today is supposed to be the last nice, sunny day we have with warm temps before it gets cool again outside. I love the warm weather, I'll be sad to see it go :(

I have off today, and a lot to do...but I feel motivated to do it :rage: First I'm going to have some breakfast and then I think I'm going to tackle some of my reading for school :hmmm:
I needed 4 blood tests done and you shoulda seen the state of me afterwards. I broke out in a massive sweat and nearly passed out :rage: I had to lye down on the bed in the surgery :ffs:
Apparently that can happen when you dont eat breakfast before getting it done.

I did the same thing when I went in for mine. >.< I never eat breakfast so when I had my blood test I just about passed out.

I had to lay on the floor because I was only at a doctors office and the only bed was already taken. >.<

Mood: Meh

It's Thursday and I'd rather stay at home.

Too much work lately. So over working all the time. I want at least year off so I can just figure out what I want to do. Maybe study or something.

Hopefully with Steve's new job I can do that. Have to wait and see!
Mood: Amazing

Reason: had an amazing day

sooo today started badly... e-mail from sony that my details have been taken again :hmph: thanks sony for not learning.... luckly no bank details got nicked again

anyway... went out today for a date with my girlfriend :yay: her name is sarah and she like amazing... we first went to pizza hut for lunch.. ordered a meat feast pizza to share between us two and got chesse and tomato... but i got a second pizza free out of it :P... then we went to the cinema... watched the lion king in 3d... was amazing in 3d and like just had such an awesome time..... but a tip for the future... 3d glasses + trying to kiss = failage :P, then i had to leave her.. it was like the hardest thing i had to do in months (not dump her like i mean go home XD) then we spoke for hours on facebook... and ended up talking about engagement o_O was an awesome chat... and we are thinking about getting engaged after being together for a year.. we dn yet :inlove:

but yh been an awesome day... now am going to bed after a long day :)
Mood: Drained

eh, maybe I stayed up too late last night and probably woke up too late. Idk, but I just feel like going to bed right now and it's only 9:14pm. :gonk:
Maybe taking a shower would wake me up.and worst of it all, I gotta fill up my itunes again cause it reset itself last night. :hmph:
Mood: Meh. Tomorrow is Thursday and that means our group is presenting tomorrow in English class. I finally am confident I have my points together now and will not fail. I am slightly nervous, but I have it in the bag. Just going to try and memorize some bits of my paper, as I do not want to read everything. I am still in a meh mood because I still have some work to be done. Granted I have a week for my commentary re write, since we are going to present 2nd. I am so glad the teacher gave us an extension though. It clearly shows she cares that we have too much work. Oh and I have to finish my World and the people project about Human geography tomorrow. Ugh it is going to be annoying to source everything. At least I am more or less done with it. I got more work on my plate for the weekend. I never thought I would get this far though. It truly has been hell. Psych test went well today I guess. It freaked me out that some people just rushed it though.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I really did not sleep well last night, I had this fucked-up dream about being chased by small blue dragons across the Business School of my University, and woke up at around six wondering what the hell was going on. I don't really feel as thought I've slept, and the thought of having an 8am to 4pm day is sapping my brain of what little will to live it could muster. The odds of me attending everything on my timetable today are quite slim, especially considering what is on the agenda for one lecture...shit I've already covered.

But, on the plus side, I shall be officially employed later on today :yay:
Mood: Meh

It hailed today. Like freaking hell can't it just be sunny without severe storms afterwards?

It's ridiculous.

I am so lucky I moved my car at work today.

For the last two weeks I've been parking underneath the undercover carpark because it looked like it was going to rain/hail badly every morning.

Today it was nice and sunny so I parked in my normal car park out in the open and then I read a weather warning that it might hail. :gonk:

So I tried to get a carpark undercover but the shops were so crowded today. I ended up on the roof carpark that have sun shades. It was good enough. My car didn't get damaged. =)
Mood: Bleh

Reason: I feel so dumb at my seminars. I do read around the subjects every day, but trying to make sense of things is really doing my head in. So many people in the seminars are able to contribute almost effortlessly, and it sounds pretty damn clear by now that they've taken aboard the content and have got to grips with deciphering it and linking it all with the main topics at hand as well as compose their own individual viewpoints and arguments. I on the other hand, have stayed mainly quiet and bewildered now and again. I'm doing the reading yet for some reason I seem to be slower than a lot of other people. Eh, never mind I guess. It's still early on in the term and I'll probably get into the swing of things eventually. =/
Mood: Surprised. So I went to class this morning, and was falling asleep. There was no cancellation notification of my 2nd class around 9:40 AM. When I got to my 2nd class, I noticed nobody was there, so I checked up on the College mail. It read "You have one cancelled class today" I jumped with joy when I saw that. It is like some divine entity cancelled the class on purpose because I was really tired. Getting home early really felt great. I want a moment of respite now. I will do no work till tomorrow. Oh and the College really should not have late notifications. It drives me nuts.