Ayumi Hamasaki
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  • I'm glad I've done it. Goes to prove that even the worst of people can sink this low. Hope it goes down ok, even though I've a feeling it won't. Good luck!
    I'm sorry you've had to hear the truth, but I for one just couldn't sit back and let it happen. Someone had to do something, I despise liars. I'm saying I was involved. Again, deeply sorry it came to this. But you know what they say. Shit happens.
    Well then... Go sign up for an RP or sumthin... Maybe those cheesy online games will help? XD
    Yes, I am. I'm a lurker and then a fail poster... See, I'm the hit of the internet!
    I heard you don't like people knocking on your front door so I'll be delivering it at the back. Hope that's not an inconvenience :wacky:
    Don't apologize if you have nothing to apologize for Cody. =) I understand where you, Terra and Cali are coming from, I just didn't agree with the attitude some displayed in the thread, which is why I stated my concerns, this has nothing to do with the three of you.

    Cali and I clash over and over with the CloudxTifaxAerith debate, still love her though.

    No worries, really. You have your opinion, and I respect that, you weren't disrespecting mine, or at least it didn't feel like it at all, so no worries, Codester!
    hmm? oh well in that case, recall me and I'll pick-up lol, but i shall remind you, some things are more convincing and or decieving then others :p

    Ah 1 last thing, when and I mean when i or someone else (everyone here loves to answer my phone...) ask my username and if said person (hopefully me otherwise that would be kinda creepy...) says "yup" then you may initiate whatever conversation you would like to do :l
    Ummm? Did I miss somwthing o.o You never called unless of course you were the "private caller" that called me... :l it's not fake it's real lol :P
    Oh! That's what all the commoners say about me! :monocle: Your opinion is worthless, nevertheless! :doze:
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