Belazor et Britannia

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  • Pffffffffffffft not a chance :wacky:
    I am renowned for doing incredibly daft things when drunk but (fortunately) I'm never on the internet drunk. I only really get drunk when I'm out. So no :grin:
    Shattap :mokken: Captain is what it's called :ahmed:
    Sorry :sad3: I would but you wouldn't BELIEVE the paperwork we have to fill out for them. It's crazy :gasp:
    Yeah it's a 2 seater, captain and passenger :lew: I've been up solo a few times though, the buzz you get is awesome :ohoho:
    I won't be qualified to take passengers up for a while but I will eventually :ryan:

    No me neither, I mean, it doesn't bother me if other people do it really but I wouldn't do it myself. My parents have smoked like chimneys all my life so I'm kinda... used to it :wacky:
    Oh yeah, the Scouse accent :lew: I've got a lot of family down that end so I understand them so it's fine :wacky:

    Every weekend I go up to a royal marines base in north Devon and fly. I'm a trainee glider pilot... though when I say glider I just mean a plane that you can switch the engine off :wacky:
    One of these:
    So yeah I'm a trainee pilot too :grin: though I broke my toe a couple of weeks back so I've taken a few weeks off.

    No, I don't smoke :lew: I just... don't like my teeth. They're not like... perfectly straight :wacky:
    No you really didn't :lew: I suppose Newcastle would have been worse. Geordies are INCREDIBLY difficult to understand :wacky:

    I will do, next time I log on :lew: Mine's Toshiya4 in case you log on before me, which will probably happen :lew:

    Ah right :lew: at least you go out now. I couldn't think of anything worse than just staying in all day :gonk:

    Hahahaha. Yeah it will be... I always smile so I don't show my teeth. Always! :lew:
    Sorry :sad3:
    My old school has a Glaswegian maths teacher. He wasn't my teacher but he told me off once and I didn't understand a WORD. I just stood there like... 'uh... yes?'

    I never PC game :lew: my laptop just isn't up to it. PS3 only :sad3:

    Yes, I have completely photo-stalked you :wacky: not that there were many to stalk. I have about 600. Good luck sir :monocle:
    Actors eh... well I'd love to meet Jonathan Rhys Meyers. And Tom Cruise :wacky: And Jet Li :hmmm: and Nicholas Cage.
    Errr.. Nico Hulkenberg and Heikki Kovalainen (F1 drivers)
    and Sami Hyypia (footballer)
    They're the people I'd most like to meet :mokken:

    I know but you live in Glasgow. Hush :mokken:

    Hahahahaha :lew: nah the price doesn't scare me. I just haven't played anything on the PS3 for a while. I've been pretty busy lately and I want to replay the Assassin's Creeds :hmmm:

    P.S. I forgot to warn you that if you photo-stalk my facebook (which I ALWAYS do when I add somebody new...) that there are only 3 photos of me sober from 2012. I look like an alcoholic but I'm not, I promise :sad:
    Oh there are loads of other people I'd love to meet. I have a list. Someday everyone will get ticket off :grin:

    Ahhhh. I thought I'd heard the name Mick Foley before but I'm not really into wrestling :wacky:
    Oh yeah, I forgot you were both Glasgow guys :lew:

    I am saying exactly that :mokken: I'm yet to play skyrim :sad3: I've been wanting to play it for aaaaaages!
    Oh. My bad. I thought you were saying he looked like a girl... :ahmed: but seriously in that photo I just look horrifically embarrassed :lew:

    I've met Kimi, Petter, Henning, and Sebastien Loeb. But I only had a photo with Kimi and Petter.
    I don't know who they are... :sad3:

    ...if you say so :ahmed:
    :lew: hahahaha. Well thank you :wacky:

    Naw. Kimi Raikkonen. He's Finnish :ryan:

    Naaah it's okay :ohoho: cats are adorable, I totally understand.
    I absolutely HATE being videoed. That tumblr one was painful, as was my survivor attempt at chubby bunny :wacky: so I'm afraid I won't be doing that.

    Yeah, vent my anger at cadets, am lovely outside :mokken: that's what I like to think anyway :wacky:

    Mhm mhm, I shall take your word for it sir :monocle:
    Okay, you can do that :ohoho:

    Guilty as charged! I enjoy shouting at people... sometimes :wacky:
    Though I'm a big softie really :mokken:
    Ahahaha well I haven't told you to do anything yet so have fun defying me :mokken:!

    Maybe I'm only bossy in cadets anyway... :grin:
    I wouldn't be so mean as to break that one to you :sad3:

    Ah, you Europeans and your funny spellings of English names... :griin:

    Well :hmmm: I don't know. Nobody's tried it yet :ohoho: clearly I am somewhat intimidating despite being a midget
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