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  • Lights? rofl. Like the effects at the left, you should've put some more lights on there. :gasp: And I don't even know where to find the gallery in all honesty :wacky:
    i lost my watch on monday night, didny even see it come off, was just chattin away to a girl who said she was going to another club and i was like "at this ti---WHAT THE FUCK?!" - gutted
    That LP is drop dead gorgeous Lewis, even Jeff liked it, and he couldn't care less about graphics. xD
    fuck all man, in the library on a sunday night cos i have a 30% exam the morn the morn i forgot about! definition of ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    My conquest is uhh, going alright. Not much time to make stuff though as one sig can take up to 4-5hrs of my time. :sad:
    Holy shit. xD I was out by 1. :wacky: Woke up at well... 8:30 or something, rofl. Try using purple!
    What a ridiculous time to be up, Lewis! :gasp: on your day off, too! Nothing much though, work tonight -.- playing the sims now :wacky:
    hahaha, ive spent half my time dying from various ailments, mostly of the self inflicted variety :8F:
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