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  • I've been well. Kinda been fighting with my mom lately about stupid stuff. I blame myself entirely for that. So... I'm kinda locked up in my room. At least until tomorrow. We'll be doing grocery shopping and whatnot. XD How have you been, Dan? :)
    I am doing pretty good! XD I can't wait to sleep. It's the weekend, so I have nothing to wake up for. :D
    You know about Mankind? :D you have made my day, Dan. I am doing good. Making some signatures and stuff. Getting ready to be shipped off for Survivor tomorrow. ;) How are you?
    That is something i didnt know of though. What you meant by comparing them to beasts :D If you think about the Celtic people of Ancient Britain and northern France they were completely the opposite of a desirable Greek male. We were barbarians. Hairy, covered in tattoos os severed heads and limbs. Wild hair and beards. Wearing nothing but wolf skin 'kilts' in the toughest of all weathers.

    And thanks Dan =) Il have to add you to MSN / Skype sometime. I bet we could learn a lot from eachother.

    Message was too long for 1 VM. Had to split it into 2. >_<
    I believe aswell that a large nose was a desirable thing to have for a man. It was seen as being very manly and tough. I wonder what they thought of woman with giant snozzes.

    There was a very powerfull African tribe back when Britain were trying to colonise Africa. I cant think of they're name right now. It wasnt the Zulus. They were much smaller and came from Central Africa. 'The Zante' maybe? Im not sure. The reason i bring it up is because they had steep weapons which were made for throwing. They were threw side ways like a frisbee and had large curved spikes which would take an opponents leg or arm off. One of the noticeable things about them though is that the largest spike resembled a Big Willy. They were signs of masculinity. These people though were not pro African. They would invade other villagers and kill everyone in theyre path, often raping the woman and occasionally recruiting the men by force. They filed down theyre teeth to make them look like Cannibals and woulld charge into battlle shouting ' Nyum Nyum' Which means something along the lines of we are hungry. We will eat you etc. This was all just a scare tactic however as they were not cannibals but it worked in theyre favour in that it spread fear and allowed them to easily overpower theyre opponents. Along with attacking other African tribes they would ambush British solderis. Theyre skill with the throwing weapon was far more effective than the unreliable firearms of the time.
    Hahaha i would never ever think to make an anime style sig of a mythological character. Il look for Dionysus first. Although the images look bad ive learnt a lot of ways in which to improve quality and enlarge them without losing too much quality. A bit of creative censorship over the genitals could work. Ive always found it amusing that in ancient Greece a small penis was very desirable. If you had a big one it was seen as somewhat of a...whats the word....Basically it was looked down upon. How times have changed. SEND ME TO ANCIENT GREECE PLEASE!!!

    But aye if i cant find or work with Dionysos il go with another Greek Hero. Poseidon is good because although there are many computer generated pictures of him they are true to the original paintings and carvings. I think a Greek God should always look quite tough and intimidating. Bishie style as you said is just wrong. They need to look fearsome. They were revered as Gods afterall.
    Ive been feeling kinda creative lately. Despite having a lot to do in my personal life i make time for photoshop as its helping me keep my focus. I cant wait for everything to be sorted like the mortgage and all the transfer of bills to be over. Once thats done i think i can finally chill out and look forward.
    So if youd like another sig id be real happy to make one. I think ive improved a lot lately and could do something much better than Zeus, so il do my best :D
    Oh wow cool profile background.

    Im so surprised (and honoured) that your still using the Zeus sig i made you :lew: You now i wouldnt be offended if you were bored of it and wanted to use something else you had? Or likewise Id also happily make you something else if you ever wanted. Another character from Greekk mythology. Ive always thought Poseidon would be an awesome sig to make.
    I almost said Neptune instead of Poseidon. I had to think up the god of war games to remind myself. I would never be forgiven for that :mrgreen:
    Hello. Dangor :argor:

    I'm making a user interface for something called Turtles in a game. They are small computers who one can program to do any number of things. Robots, if you will. I would ask two favors of you:

    1) I would like to call them Timmy, but I would only do so with your graces.

    2) If I may call them Timmy, may I bother you for some Dangor magic and help write some of the responses?
    I'm alright, for the most part. School started up again, so I've got something more to look forward to these days.

    How are you, mate?
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