Amizon Jun 6, 2011 Diar, me favourite Irish fellowman! Could ye possibly get a post in the FFX ArPee soon, aye? All good luck to ye!
Diar, me favourite Irish fellowman! Could ye possibly get a post in the FFX ArPee soon, aye? All good luck to ye!
Amizon May 26, 2011 Thank you for your posts in the FFX RP, good sir! Hope to catch you on MSN sometime soon, my favourite Irish busy body!
Thank you for your posts in the FFX RP, good sir! Hope to catch you on MSN sometime soon, my favourite Irish busy body!
Martel May 16, 2011 Dee Arr I kinda wanna restart/reboot/redesign the Tarot RP that you started, like, a year ago...the one that didn't go anywhere in the end ...yes, I had yet another almost fully developed idea spring into my head again. xD Also, you should get on MSN somewhen soon, if you've the time~
Dee Arr I kinda wanna restart/reboot/redesign the Tarot RP that you started, like, a year ago...the one that didn't go anywhere in the end ...yes, I had yet another almost fully developed idea spring into my head again. xD Also, you should get on MSN somewhen soon, if you've the time~
Amizon May 4, 2011 STOP FUCKING UP YOUR SLEEP CYCLE. YOU'RE AS BAD AS MARK. ... Erm, I mean. When you've got chance to get on MSN, do so. Martel and I have a preposition for you!
STOP FUCKING UP YOUR SLEEP CYCLE. YOU'RE AS BAD AS MARK. ... Erm, I mean. When you've got chance to get on MSN, do so. Martel and I have a preposition for you!
Pandora Apr 18, 2011 DIAR IF THAT APOCALYPSE DOESN'T START SOON I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL "Poop on someone's doorstep." -Ringo . !
Abstract Debauchery Apr 13, 2011 Dear Diar: We're still waiting for that apocalypse. Love, Everyone in your RP. PS: Out until Sunday. Take it easy, broskizzle.
Dear Diar: We're still waiting for that apocalypse. Love, Everyone in your RP. PS: Out until Sunday. Take it easy, broskizzle.