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  • Hello greeny id just like to say I think your lets plays are fantastic and they inspire me to do them (once youtube doesnt do stupid copyrighted music etc haha) Do you go on things like skype or anything would be great to catch up sometime? :)
    Sorry I didn't get your visitor message until I look, the forum no longer shows me down the bottom corner when i get liked/thanked or any messages I have no idea what has happened to it. Also the reason I believe it was set to private was when I uploaded it originally I could view it but it exceeded the limit length because it was 18mins and the limit being 15. I increased the limit and uploaded the others which went through fine and private. It wasn't until shace told me when I then noticed haha. I hope you enjoy the lets play and give me some future tips except about delays with family members asking for help and temporarily leaving the game during dialogue :P
    Click the A/A icon in the top left corner of the editor to switch to Source mode, then manually add new row BBCode just like you would a normal HTML table.

    Ya dingus :hmph:
    Okay I let you know which game I want you to do a let's play when I find one. How far are you from been over with the current let;s play right now?
    Hey, what's the link to that image for that anime contest? It still won't show up on my end, even on my mobile device. =[
    So I'm pulling weeds in the Computing & Technology subforum. I got it knocked down from 11 pages to 5, but there's still quite a few threads left that are useless from their age. If you feel like doing some archiving, the opportunity is there. Otherwise if you're busy I can finish it up myself later :)
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