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  • I told him to go back home today. Then, I had lydia following me, and then I happened upon some dark elf guy, so I told her to go home too :lew: It really is a lot of fun. I just don't like how you can be randomly walking and a dragon will come by and blow torch you :damon:

    Thats what I've heard about mw3...most people don't like it as much as blops because its faster. I haven't even put it in yet :(

    Was fun tonight :grin:
    Yes we do :mokken:... even though you are the better blopper with your hate mail and all :lew:

    I'm sorry I didn't reply back to your message on the psn today. I had a hard time prying myself away from skyrim :( I was in the middle of my marriage mission :grin: My character married a guy who looks similar to the guy from assassin's creed :inlove: Although I had to leave him at my house. He follows me around everywhere...and that makes me nervous cos I'm sure he'll go off and die without me :damon:
    Yo bro I got your message a little bit late. I reckon you got mw3? How is it so far? withou emblem making..also Melody claims she has mw3, but all she plays is Skyrim :hmph:
    which happens to be
    My next game on my to buy list.
    :lew: hahaha. I know we haven't. Because I haven't been anywhere neeeeeeeeeeear London recently :sad3:
    That's because I was. I met my favourite man in the world, my hero :sad3:
    And then I met another one 2 days later, my mind almost exploded :gonk:
    I do :wacky: I look nervous/terrified/etc in both :lew:

    He's a world champion rally driver :wacky: within the motorsport world he is very famous :mokken:
    I would put up with ANY creepiness on Kimi's part if it meant I could spend time with him, hahahah

    I love it :ohoho: and the one with that other famous guy, Petter Solberg. Okay I look like a mong in them both but I don't. Even. Care. :grin:
    I know he was creepy :sad3: I do need to stop dating creepy weirdos!
    Second actually. Though last year there was no photo :wacky:

    And yeah it's on FB. And in the pic thread on here too :wacky:
    It's hilarious innit :ohoho:

    hahaha. Well. I did. And then I dumped him. Because he texted me all the time like, it was like he was checking up on me. And it did my head in :mokken:

    Oh did you hear :ohoho: I met Kimi Raikkonen. Have you seen the photo of us together? :ohoho:
    Oh wow :lew: hahaha sepia nyan cat :wacky:

    Sorry for the late reply :mokken: I was in Wales.
    How've you beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen?
    Ohhh Tom you poor thing :lew: You sound like you are having a crap day I'm sorry :(

    I've turned into such a knifer on black ops and I'm getting so many more kills by doing it :gasp: I'll put some of my games into my file share...I was doing ridiculously good last night. ...and that does suck how there are no emblems on Mw3. Some personalization would be nice, you know :sad3:

    I'll be on in about 15 minutes...I just have to mix up my macca and cheese.

    I was looking for you last night but you must've gone to bed :( I will not abandon you :wacky: I'm used to black ops...and after all of those prestiges and my cute emblem I'm not going to stop playing. I'll probably be on again after I have lunch. I haven't eaten anything all day :damon:
    In a fit of rage, I just came back from the game store and I traded in Dead Island, BF3, and CoD World at War for MW3 and Skyrim :wacky:

    So let me know when you get the two of them and we'll have a go at them :lew:

    BF3 was horrible when you are used to CoD...don't do it :( I'll still be on blops though. I have too much invested to not continue playing it.
    We are going to be the only ones left on Black Ops :(

    I'm in a serious bind...I don't know what I want for Christmas now. Its either this really pretty necklace that I want or MW3 and Skyrim. Its lonely going on the psn and everyone is playing games I don't have :( I haven't gamed with Jay or Al in agessss.

    Also you should change your clan tag to Baws cos you always outscore everyone else on that game :lew: ...:mokken:
    Bro get mw3! Its nothing like black ops... I liked mw because it was the new sensation...I LOVED mw2 cause I played that one to death.. really enjoyed black ops cause I prestiged 15 times and damn I never played a game for that long xD

    but mw3 brings back memories! ACR back in my hand... the formula just works..I cant get tired..

    I do miss I cant make my own emblem.
    Buy mw3 and il find out :wacky:

    All cod is somewhat similar, as are most fps's. Mw3 is nothing like blops at all though in multiplayer imo. Theres a lot of cool stuff been added tho theres nothing like wager which is a bit of a shame. Dont listen to the haters. Its good fun :ryan:

    So thats me you andjim whov been practising vic-o impressions huh :wacky:
    mw3 isnt a polish job :O

    The multiplayer is great. Similar to mw2 but differnt to blops. I would recomend it yoop yoop.
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