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  • Regarding men...the phrase I tell everyone is: "You know I'm picky about my shoes...and they only go on my feet." :britt:
    Propaganda :mokken: ...I'm so picky with guys...really they might look nice onscreen, but their personality could be crap in real life :sad3:
    You are too male to be into...yeah :sad3: Altho my preference is for jake..he was amazing in prince of persia...you could melt butter on those abs :gonk: ...:mokken:
    Tom you totally knew I'd have to put Jude in that thread...and its all your fault for bringing up Colin Firth ....:mokken:
    As always an excellent post Gnarly, you said what I wanted to in a much more concise manner. Though der Astronom has a few points I'm gonna really have to think about, a lot of which I have to agree on in most respects
    Okay... :sad3: *removes self from tom and cody's convo*

    I'm little upset... it's a private matter so I'll tell you on msn. But other than that, I'm doin' okay. What about you?
    Basically a dumbed down version of your topic really(or at least that's how we lure people into the debate). Though slightly different as I also want to explore the difference between just memorising something and performing compuations(for example, how I do maths), compared to reading a poem in English and being able to compose an essay on it
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