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  • Ok so he's ginger :mokken: but he's waaaay better looking than Will. For starters, he has a full head of hair. AND he doesn't look like Prince Charles :mokken:

    I enjoyed it as well and I wasn't even planning on watching it xD the RAF flypast was aaaace
    (I hope he reads that)

    I'm alright like :lew: busy but alright. I can imagine it's been hectic :wacky: sad as I am, I watched the wedding on telly. It was worth it just for Harry :britt:
    I like Sektor and Liu Kang..his flying dragon kick owns..Smoke is meh bummer..expected more of his moves but story was very good..
    It's been ages :gonk: how's it going?

    Why has Ohri quoted me in that VM below? :mokken:
    So hows MK I bet you are getting your ass kicked? You know that instant teleport thing where scorpion suddenly attack you from the back, you can do it in mid air as well..I own with Scorpio

    [11:48 AM] Toshiya:After being forced to sing hymns right through primary school and at cadets... I hate them

    This might be a bit late but sorry bout Arsenal......Another trophyless season

    But look forward to more man u dominance we titles in our hands............and so is the CL final after yesterday.

    We'll see ya's on sunday even though it probably doesnt matter for Arsenal :lew:
    Its been YEARS since I've played a MK Tom...so I'm prepared to have mine handed to me as well when I get my hands on it. The last time I played one was when they had the original I think...on one of those big old game things like the old school pacman and stuff...like they have at the bars/restaurants/pool table places :gasp: Ohri's gonna whoop me, I know it :sad3:
    My dad agreed to MK and Black Ops for my b-day...which apparently can't come fast enough because I have so little patience since even you are saying its good... :sad3: But I get to order them the beginning of next month so I'm uber excited...and MK looks to die for :gasp: ...you think you might get it Tom :hmmm: ...and Happy Easter :tighthug:
    Paris? :gasp2: Lucky people. :sad3:

    Sorry they're all up in your living space, though Tom. :griin: *hands you sleeping bag*
    Missed ya too. :3 I've been good, did some clothes shopping today. What about you?

    (can't believe how little we've spoken :mokken:)
    Yup it was too offending xD...if one of them visited your page they might have been offended...it seems you attract a certain type of people :wacky:
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