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  • I just got back from Barcelona actually :ohoho: so I'm ace, thanks very much.
    How're you doing?

    P.S. I saw the cup, that Arsenal WOULD have won in 2006... if Barcelona hadn't beaten them, when I toured the Nou Camp. Thought you'd like to know :griin:

    who cares, neither girl are real so they're both dead technically. So you can have Aerith despite her death. :britt:
    What the bloody hell? :rage: How the heck did that happen :rage:

    I meant: Can't you just let me have CLOUD and you can have TIFA? :ahmed:
    Don't have to. :kinky: He really did. :britt:

    Can't you just let me have Cloud and you can have Tifa? :sad3:

    **fixed** :ahmed:
    Lol, actually, of all the people I've debated with, you seem to stump me about quite a few things. I even agree with some of your points. :wacky: Be proud Tom. Of all the people on the internet, you're the first I have a good debate with. :griin:
    It's awesome. Hey, will you be on Reach later tonight? me and my brother(grimm) are gonna play some Army of two and then get on reach after a while.
    Lmao, I know! That was SO funny. The whole movie was just pure genius. Did I tell you Ben Stiller helps with the film? :ohoho: Also, MSN is down for me on my laptop as well. :sad3:
    Us too! It was so funny <33 I couldn't stop laughing at the "use the forget me stick" part. xD
    Hey, by the way, if you see me on Army of 2 just message me if you want me on Reach. I shut off notifications so I won't know when you come on.
    It is an awesome name. But all good things come to an end. Lmao, love the quote you just used, too :britt: told you you'd like it xD
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