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  • Why are you so pleased about it? :gonk:
    /goes to nurture various wounds in a corner
    Hate to be a pain in the fookin' arse, but could you post in the FFX RP anytime soon? I know you've got modding duties (goodness me, it's weird saying that to you!) and r/l stuff, but I thought I'd just remind you. xD
    Mebbe :britt:

    What's wrong with Liv Liv? :gonk:
    Oh god, Lymle Valeth would be hilariously awesome. "Kneel down before me, kay?" :rofl:
    ...I can see her using Meteor Swarm, as well. Its not a huge leap from her summoning Cerberus...
    To show my respect I must bow down to Marquess Oliviatrix. /bows down to her greatness. :ryan:
    hahah glad it amused someone:ohoho:

    Theres a wee space in the dialog box, its basically begging me to add a name in there |)
    Hahahahaha, I feel a bit better already. :lew:

    Star Ocean is starting to get a lot more interesting where I'm at in the storyline. I advise you get out of Lemuris as soon as possible and get to where the good stuff is at. :gasp:
    What?! It was SO not my idea. :ahmed:

    If anything, I thought for sure that I wouldn't see Martel (who totally made up that idea) alive again, so I guess you could say that...

    I'm so glad h/she's safe!
    He'll deny it, of course. Saying it was all my idea. But am I truly capable of such evil? :gasp:

    Thanks :yay:
    I'm still rather shocked I actually managed to win, though. Maybe I'm not as bad as I thought...maybe I'll start my own GFX thread after all...somewhen. xD
    You noticed! :yay:
    ...blame Jay, it was his idea! :gasp:
    He was just too scared you'd tear out his throat when you saw it :tehe:

    Reimi isn't THAT bad, though...Meracle is worse. Stupid little catgirl...:rage:
    My innocence is being depleted rather quickly and its only been a year...I hate to imagine two :gasp: Still...I can't live without it...its dramalicious :britt:
    lul, you poor girl, the SB :gasp: I'm sorry I but I had to, best post I've read in a long time :britt:
    I do indeed :britt:

    You just want to fuse with the other mods to become an all-powerful being and destroy me, don't you? :ahmed:
    ...ah well. I'd get to take down one of the admins, at least :awesome:
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