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  • What do you mean ncie to see me? We've known eachother for like 4 months now =D
    Surely you jest ^-^

    But then I havn't got your real name too :hmmm:
    Ahhh but my name is Luke :lew: and I'm always a silly man. Thats why my friends love me because I always make them laugh.
    And I notice that multiple times I make you laugh aswell :lew:
    Ahh. Then I should reccomend High School of the Dead and Rosario+Vampire.
    Both good animes and both I think you might be interested in too.

    And what do you mean men ey?....:lew:
    Periods? :hmmm: Sounds wonderfull. I always wanted to watch ghost in the shell but apparently it contains alot of nudity in haha.
    And you don't just get freshers fayre at uni you can get them at college too :lew: xx
    Indeed you are like a shining godess to me :lew:
    And I got ma facepaint because it was my second time at my freshers fayre, my friends wanted me to do it and I kinda wanted to have it painted aswell.
    I like the eyes because it looks like something from anime :lew:

    It was a good day. You shoulda been there.
    No problem :dave:
    You don't deserve the crap. There is no reason for people hating you.
    Oh yeah...well that's good. He like, still in prison? A niceeee, nothing like a bunch of games to play :lew:
    I'm good, I've been playing Crisis Core the past week and I'm now at the end, oh I liked the game. I have a whole lineup of what I'm gonna do. Finish CC, watch AC, play Grandia 3, Dark Cloud, FF9 um.....yeah it's quite a lineup ;)
    Chicken :gasp2:
    Is that my new name or something 8(
    You shall be Goose :grin:
    Naw you are still Nat.
    I'm good and bored :grin: how are you :grin:
    I...got...to...spend...this...time with you playing these games =D I hear the space marines have proper english accent. xP. And I like you update picture =]
    Yeah I guess it was pretty angry'ish. But I just don't understand why people can't let go and move foward. And that sounds splendid :lew:
    My days are very fine. Just had my Freshers fayre on wednesday got my face painted, went in the lasertag, on this bull rodeo bluh bluh bluh. There was also free candyfloss and popcorn there. It was a fun day though the fact I almost ran out of energy and my facepaint was melting away. I had to wash it off and there was a faint red colour on my face still and my friends and other people said if I was either drunk,high or on drugs. It was funny when I had to keep saying "IT WAS FACEPAINT :ffs:" :lew: But Yeah it's all good for now. How are you babe? xx :lew:
    It's like I said or related to what I said: Some guys can be a right bunch of fucks.
    But If you say you have friends and me to hang around with then all I can say is your welcome down my doorstep anytime :lew:
    If you ever need to text/email or etc then don't hesitate to ask.
    Wow.....he needs to get a grip on something named life and reallity.
    But it sounds like you really had a tough time and you ended up home all by yourself :sad3:
    This kinda makes me sad knowing what you've been through.
    And guys can be such violent creatures but there a very few people (like me) who's just a nice and fun guy to be around with. I'm a guy such like this maybe because I lived in a quiet place or I was rasing with a strict mother.

    But just find people like those if you know any and I assure you they will make you happy through anything. They will never tell stuff away and they are always on the back up if needed.

    I wish I was there to hear your problems as you are home about now not knowing what to do and been kinda scared.

    Threatening a girl is not a very man thing to do. It just makes them pathetic, cowardly and uptight who always wants to show off been all high and mighty.

    But I really hope you get happy soon. I'm always here for you :lew:
    Not so great. It seems like I'm just going through the motions on some days and on other days, it's just not fun to do anything.
    Aww I'm really glad your recovering quick from it then. If you feel like talking mroe about it then don't be scared to not ask me =]
    If you wanna talk about it by pm or by email thenI'm here.
    Ah yes and if you need anything or someone to talk to about some stuff let it be things that make you upset or personal stuff etc. Then I'm always here and I always keep my secrets so you don't need to worry.

    I'm just saying that you've got someone who's here for you. =)
    Thats what I'm here for :lew: not as a friend but as someone you can trust.
    All your photos look good and funny. =D
    But how did you end up with the one you got now? Was it when you was drunk or was it because you just needed to do something? Looking good in it though=]

    And I'm glad I made you happy =p xx
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