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  • So since you guys are the ones that are up to date with the new games...I figured I'd ask if you knew when the new Mortal Kombat that everyone is talking about is coming out...because I might be tempted to get it for my summer off. Its for the ps3/360 amirite :hmmm:
    I would have joined them but I was out all day.
    Toshinator :lew: that's definitely a new one. But yeah. Who can resist my squeals when I die... :wacky:
    Hey, I still play from time to time :lew:
    I play more if I get invited, so if you see me on, I'll join you.

    You'll see my progress eventually when I get back from uni anyway by following my trophy list... or I'm tempted to stream it. :edd:

    Agito hasn't really done much for me yet, but then again PSP games rarely do until just before relase. Versus... I'm uncertain. :ahmed:
    loooool the candy canes yes ohri that is why you are a legend dude. bring that crew back and get rid of the weirdos :rofl:
    Ohri. I. Am. Doing. Fine. How. Are. You. ?

    As for Dead Space 2, I've been overwhelmed with work so I don't think I've even got to chapter 3 yet :lew:
    It came out last Friday here, Oh-rilly :britt: You need to go see it, I thought it was really good. Of course it wasn't very plot-heavy...but the effects were absolutely awesome. The aliens were pretty cool too...and not exactly what I expected. I think you'd like it if you liked War of the Worlds...I think the two are very similar to each other.
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