Recent content by Ornstein

  1. Ornstein

    Favourite Manga

    My personal favourite manga is Berserk. I just love the artwork and the heavy violent dark nature of it. It is perhaps the only manga to truly manage to widen my eyes, both with its heavy gore, quotes and renaissance art like aspects. A manga chapter of around 30 pages with such detail makes it...
  2. Ornstein

    Last Manga You Read

    The manga chapter I last read was the 333 chapter of Berserk. I can truly never get over how much I love this manga. It's my favourite manga and has been so for a very long time. The quality is like renessanse art.
  3. Ornstein

    Weird Eating Habits?

    I tend to forget my coffee a lot so if it gets cold I put it in the micro wave until it’s warm again. It tastes a little different but I'd rather do it than to waste it. I tend to cut everything into small little pieces on my dinner plate. Some people tend to cut only what they’re going to eat...
  4. Ornstein

    Do You Like Soup?

    I love Tomato soup with eggs and macaroni. Some bread with butter to dip in it is awesome!:grin:
  5. Ornstein

    Little things that annoy you

    - When YouTube changes. I hate that, so much. For me personally I didn’t like that they removed the 1-5 star system, or that you can no longer search for the “most viewed” in the search bar. Now they have also added the horrible “If you have subscribed to a person we will now have what they like...
  6. Ornstein

    Have you ever been robbed?

    I have personally never been robbed (as in someone breaking into your house) But I do have a few friends who have had uninvited guests in the middle of the night. Thieves that rob you during the night tend to be a lot quicker about it and don't get away with much because they are so afraid to...
  7. Ornstein

    Worst Character Designs

    FFX-2 probably had the worst design of all the Final Fantasy games. Other then that Kuja needed a pair of pants and Vaan needed a t-shirt.
  8. Ornstein

    Anime Sword Art Online

    I think that Sword Art Online was the best anime released in 2012. The animation is so fluid and fast paced that it makes the sword fights so tense. I really fell in love with this one. A brain conected MMORPG where a mad creator seals everyone inside so that everyone has only one life and if...
  9. Ornstein

    Mr Soooooft!

    I love how the narrator says "everything turns soft", then he crashes into a street light :yay:
  10. Ornstein

    Nintendo Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    I think that it is most likely that it will be flying based on a few things. First of all it will not be the first flying type to not have wings (unless it glides with those ears straightened out) like Doduo or Gyarados for instance (I agree that it should have a majestic set of wings). Eevee...
  11. Ornstein

    Nintendo Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    @Squid: I think it's fully possible that it can be a light type because it would fit really well with the contrasting dark type. Besides it's always cool with a new type :woot: in my opinion. The other plausible arguments I have heard for its type besides being the possible new light type are...
  12. Ornstein

    Does God punish masturbation?

    This entire question is revolved around the first question if you actually believe in "god" the way Christians teach. It is however interesting to look into it as "god" has changed the last centuries. The reason is because we have so many splitting factions within the Christian society that...
  13. Ornstein

    Battle System: Great or terrible?

    I enjoyed the Battle system a lot since it gave a more strategic aspect to it instead of having to rush through actions because the enemy could attack you twice for instance. Not that I don't love that system as well of course, but it gives you a sense of calmness to take your sweet time...
  14. Ornstein

    Anime What introduced you to anime?

    The very first Anime series I watched were The Moomins, Pokémon and Digimon. I remember getting up early every day a new episode of Pokémon and Digimon was on the TV, watching Pokémon first then Digimon afterwards. This was during my childhood and eventually during my early teens Dragonball was...
  15. Ornstein

    Playstation Platinum Trophies

    I think that getting a 100% can be fun if you enjoy the entire experience of it and that it dosn’t start to feel like a chore. For me if a game wants to make me collect items I tend to feel that it’s extremely boring depending on how long it is, or how much I need to do. If it challenge my...