Have you ever been robbed?


ღWhite Roséღ ♀
Nov 15, 2008
ღAustraliaღ ღQueenslandღღGold Coastღ
I haven't but Steve had been robbed about five times before the age of 21 (before I knew him) and my brother and his wife recently got robbed just after they moved into the new home they bought.

A lot of expensive cameras, ipads etc were stolen.

It's shit to come home after you've been working your ass off all day at work to find that some scummy waste of space has smashed their way into your home and just taken whatever the hell they feel like.

The worst comes out of you when that sort of thing happens. It just makes you feel violated and unsafe in your own home and feel on edge all the time. I can only imagine what they went through.

Luckily they had insurance but it's still shit.
I have personally never been robbed (as in someone breaking into your house) But I do have a few friends who have had uninvited guests in the middle of the night.

Thieves that rob you during the night tend to be a lot quicker about it and don't get away with much because they are so afraid to wake the owners up. I have heard many a story about a father running after such an asshole with a baseball bat or similar object.

The absolute worst robbers are those that know you are on vacation or away for the weekend. It was in the locale news a few years back about a group that knew the owners were on vacation so they decided to take their time and use a loading truck to take their stuff. The nabours thought they were moving out so they didn’t call the police. In addtiton to this they had sold fake house alarms to the same people.

The closest thing to a robbery to have happen in my family were a group of thieves that decided to crush my cousins car window and take his cd player.
We've never had our home robbed, however....

We got this storage company to keep our stuff in storage for a few months in 2008 after we came back from Florida the first time. Anyway, eventually we got our new house, and we finally got enough money after months of struggle, to get our stuff out of storage.

It was our Christmas miracle. When they started bringing our stuff in, we knew something was wrong. We had a bunch of stuff that wasn't ours, and alot of stuff was missing. Including the mattress for my baby brother. They stole our stuff and damaged what they returned to us.

It was absolutely horrible. My Dad was so pissed, he almost slashed the tires of their truck. He should have. Those people were horrible wastes of oxygen. I'll never forget that day. We lost a lot of stuff.

I made my parents swear to never use a storage company again or else they will feel my wrath. Luckily, they agree with my terms and conditions. We're never doing that again.
Oh no thank goodness what a horrible thing to have happen. :sad3: I can't imagine having your things robbed and taken away from you.

Now on the less serious side, I have stolen from my family. Horrible, I know I should go to hell. I never would rob from someone that is a complete stranger that isn't my place.

I have "borrowed" a few bucks before. :gasp: and I'd steal and wear my sister clothes because she was too stylish and she didn't wear it anyway. :mokken:

According to stories from my dads sister, he'd take things from here. Haha apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh? :lew:

I'm not proud of it, ok? >.>
They love me, they'll forgive me. :)

I also had a friend who taught me how to steal.... I even stole one of her purses because it said "e" and I wanted it.

Nowadays you can't shoplift, but I've robbed the grocery store.

I'm was a horrible kid. :okay:

I don't steal from the store anymore because I'd go to jail.

Every-now and then though I take a few dollars or coins from my boyfriend. XD
Me, personally...the first thing I remembered was when my nephew stole my little tiny bear from my room. I got it back because my sister, his mom, caught him, lol. He was stealing things around that time, so as much I didn't like it or want to, I called her to see if she could check his room. I knew someone had taken it because the paper crane or something that was next to it fell on my desk (they were both on a book stand I put on top of my desk), yet the bear was nowhere to be found. It was like Hansel and Gretal's bread crumbs, LOL. Another time, when I was a kid, my cousins took a few of my toys and had them in their bag but acted like it was theirs or just didn't hand it to me as if they weren't going to. *I'M* the poor one! They had WAY more things than me! WTH would you steal from me?! *I* should be stealing from you! :gasp:

There might've been this one incident in middle school where someone stole a notebook from me, since I lost it, and it had a note conversation where my best friend and I had talked about one of the teachers, LOL, so hopefully no one actually stole it because how embarrassing it would be! :X

...And that's all I can remember. But within my family, there's been incidents with their cars and one of my sister's cars actually got taken by someone.

I don't think anyone's ever tried breaking into our house. That would be scary! And yeah, the emotional scar that it would leave; that would be petty stressful and unsafe-ly feeling, and I wouldn't want to feel that.
I'm fairly convinced that someone intended to rob my place some time ago. A woman clad in black turned up at my door one night (probably figured no-one was home because all the main lights were off, or she was just desperate, heh) and started messing around with the lock. Hearing this taking place, I decided to flip the kettle on and stood in the entry way to greet them as they entered. The look on their face was priceless! Imagine your reaction if you had broken into someone's house only to be greeted by the owner and offered a cup of tea? She awkwardly walked in and followed me to the kitchen. We spent the two hours chatting about everything from drinks and cats to the nature of the universe before she had to leave. She had work in the morning, after all.

We actually ended up becoming fairly good friends, believe it or not, haha.
I was robbed twice. Once in junior high by this gang of boys and once by some unknown assailants who took my bike.

The gang of boys robbed me for my best friend's gameboy advance sp. He was a great friend and understood that these guys were thugs and forgave me for having his game out in the open looking totally defenseless and un-aware.

My bike was stole while I was in a game store trading games with a hard-headed clerk trying to pull a fast one on me. If he'd just hurried up and gave me the proper credit for the games, that could have been avoided. I suppose it was my fault, too, for not chaining my bike up before scurrying into the store.

Ah, to no be young and game stupid again. :mokken:
I hace been robbed once on muy neighborhood on my way to work. They stole muy wallet and muy cel phone. I had to call the bank to cancel muy debit card and my cel phone the same day. It was early in the morning. I was so pissed off that day. Busting muy ass working just to get robbed by 4 damn people.
Thankfully not.

Well, yes, but nothing expensive.

When I was at school someone once stole my Timon and Pumbaa rubber (the eraser sort, obviously). I didn't know that I'd been personally robbed at first. In fact the curious case of the disappearance of Timon and Pumbaa was a mystery which puzzled me for years to come. I did not know that people could be so heartless to steal it, and so I assumed that something more supernatural or inexplicable had occurred. On later reflection I came to realise that my classmates were not the honest folk I thought them to be, and one of them had been naughty and must have stolen it.

Then a bit later in school someone stole my Bull Hippo card (Magic the Gathering). It wasn't a very important card, but I loved the picture of the hippo and it was actually my favourite card for some reason. That was stolen too, and it must have been taken from my coat pocket by someone close to me who knew it was there.

Tricksy humanses!

There must have been other things too, but these two times spring to mind.

But no... Thankfully I've not been robbed in a serious and expensive sense. I hope to never experience this, but it happens from time to time because people do that sort of thing sometimes.
I just got some new and fashionable clothes and 10 or more games stolen from me. I was dumb enugh to let him ( a friend who's not a friend) in my house and he asked me to get him some water. By the time I came back, those game sand clothes were gone.
I guess it wouldn't really be me specifically but the one time I know that me and my family had been robbed I was around four or five and someone stole our VCR while we weren't home. Just the VCR. My mom was pretty sure it was our landlords crackhead son selling it to a pawn shop for drug money. Unrelated but because I just remembered it and want to share that same landlord, whom looked like a eighty year old monster once chased me down and ripped a balloon off my wrist because her youngest son who was my age got his own balloon popped by their dog. It was messed up. Still have nightmares of that women running after me.
We were robbed about eight years ago. We were staying at Jason's (my husband's) house while we were getting ours ready to put on the market. Well, we, for some stupid, idiotic, crazy reason, left a big box with all of our movies, games, CDs, etc., even our original FFVII, in it. We came back one day to check on things, and the whole box was gone. I even had a Sega Game Gear in a big carrying case that had about 15 games in it that was stolen, along with a TV and some little things that weren't really significant enough to remember.

We think that it was somebody that knew we weren't home and knew that we were gone for extended periods of time. We turned it in to the police, but of course they really didn't do anything but take a report.

It just makes you feel so vulnerable after something like that happens. Even after almost 10 years, I still get really nervous when we go on vacation. I usually get Jason to ask his dad to drive by the house on his way home from work just to check in on things.