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  • WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. Grinding, in Lunar: Silver Star Complete (or harmony)?! STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!

    Seriously, don't grind in that game. Bad idea. :mokken:
    I shall rub it til the genie comes out and tells me to stop =o

    Mind if I step into your Cave of Wonders? :britt: :ohoho:

    /Aladdin reference ftw. :wacky:
    Look at Tyler trying to steal back the page. :ahmed:

    -noms on;- Sheep XD <3
    Who said anything about Noming it?! I was talking about a long night out of drinking! Sheesh girl! =)
    Nothing wrong with.. Tasting the rainbow, after all.. Skittles has that slogan!
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