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  • Yea Dells construction could be better, I was handing a mate a piece of mail (slightly heavier than your average letter) and I tossed it in his general direction. It landed on his Dell laptop's keyboard and took one of his keys clean off xD

    HP's customer support sucks balls too, one of DBTech's coders works for HP and deals with backend support xD

    I'm glad you're into compootars and vidjamagames too then otherwise I'd be pretty much all out of things to talk about :wacky:
    Some romance is nice though isn't it? :inlove:
    Awww *huggles* :sad3: Dun be sad :(

    Never ran into that, but failing HDD sounds plausible.

    A Dell is much better value for money btw, even though Vaios (being the Macbooks of the PC world) have better construction.

    I can't believe the nerd talk part was actually longer than the comforting tinygurl part. I do suck at talking to wimminz xD
    Aww thats gutting. The iphone is a nightmare for being on fff. Its just not the same.
    6 years for a laptop is good though. I seem to go through one every year D=
    And absolutely. I think i plan to play later tonight if your here. I shall check psn and be sure to send you an invite if you are :)
    You are :inlove:

    Lmao I'm glad I'm not locked into a fixed sleeping schedule, although I miss the certainty of each day (if that makes sense, Im like overtired atm - if that is even a word in English, who knows!) it's still nice to be able to sleep whenever tf I want xD
    I am doing just fine and well I am no longer in education for a year yet, then I am off to university to get a degree in film and moving image production :). Besides that I am getting into my drawing again, I have drawn Bahamut from FFX a rough sketch though. Heres the link if your interested :)


    Besides that nothing really, and well don't you dread it! you'll be fine :) I missed talking to you :)
    Hey stella its me .Mosh, thought I'd change my name and what not. Howa you been doing then :) all been ok?
    Lmao, I stole it from Cali. Well, she gave it to me. :sad3: She stole/got it from someone on LJ, who... I think made it...

    ........I lost myself. :rofl:
    I seriously cannot wait to play with Ryan. I know with him it'd be fun :lew: Especially if he carries me. He'll be like the CoD version of Tom on Halo for me :wacky: He carries me a lot on there. :sad:

    I'd love to join you as an FFF girl CoDer. If I can manage to get one by the graces of God then I'll be sure to add you all my very first day of gameplay xD
    Hahaha, wow, that's alotta kills xD I wouldn't even try to beat Ryan at CoD from the sounds of it--he's a beast xD so attempting to try and outdo him seems like a dumb idea. But still, everyone says "ah, we don't care how bad you are" before you play. And then when our team starts to lose the weak link(aka me)is getting told "c'mon, you can try" or "just hide" or "we'd be winning IF i wasnt there" :wacky:

    Or all of a sudden no one wants to play and the party breaks up... but really everyone is playing with each other while appearing offline... and that's just insulting :wacky:

    Believe me, I'm no try hard. that's why I'm so terrible at CoD... I play it for fun not for winning.

    tl;dr post is tl;dr
    I'm calling shenanigans. :mokken:

    That makes you about 29... For some reason I always imagined you to be about... 20 or so. :hmmm:

    You trollin'? :ahmed:
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