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  • Ive been good just really busy between training and work. Hardly have time for anything else. It's good to see he hasn't wooed you yet :wacky: how you been anyway?
    I admit that is a most excellent remix up there with the Kanye West mix. But the Kanye West remix is also most excellent indeed too. :mokken:
    Thank you so much! Awesome to see you loved it! :3

    Rather ironically (even if it took me 10 seconds to do), the Blops cover was surprisingly fun to draw and satirise. I just hope it looks moderately like Lew. xD I would do another caricature, but I'm a bit fed up with colouring in and I've no idea who to do next. :wacky:
    Listen to what you like and dont care what other people think :ryan: Its all oppinion anyway.
    Let me think :hmmm: The fratellis are a good band, scottish aswell. I was just playing theyre song babydoll less than 10 mins ago on my guitar. Biffy clyros latest album only revolutions is utterly amazing. Kasabian are good :ryan:
    UhhhhhhhhmOcean colour scene aswell. :lew: i could name bands til the sun goes down XDD
    Hahaha i was curious to see what you were listening to. Im a music lover as you know so i like to nosey about that thread :ryan:
    Im not sure but i recognised the beat soon as i heard it. Not really my thing though but ive heard it on the radio xD
    Oh I'm still in high school. I feel so young since everyone else in the forums is in their 20s :gonk: But I'm looking into fields for college. I'm thinking about languages, since I did pretty well in my Latin and French classes. I would love to be a translator. But I'm also looking into the medical fields. I would love a place in the ICU, I've had too many visits there myself (visiting others, NOT as a patient)and it seems like you're really making a difference.

    But currently I'm just enjoying summer vacation. I'm an obsessive and very competitive sports player. (Me luvs my volleyball and swimming :britt:) However it's been pretty uneventful. I just went on a mini trip with my grandparents to a city a bit a ways from my city. I got to learn about steam boats...and lead mining. :yawn:
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