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  • You should look Theodore Payne up. :yay:

    Nah, that's alright. It was kind of a spur of the moment invite anyway since I had LJ playing too. But anyways, yeah I'll be on again tonight...like...2 hours from now.

    Also, you are not a decoy. :hmph:
    Oh no do not worry. It was just a temporary cold. It more or less passed by now Mel! Oh and yeah I get sick easily but.. Ill live. You work in a hospital... I know who to call if I am sick though. :britt: Oh and good to know. Commando is ace. Crappy immune system... unfortunately I have one... not the only one here though!
    Nominations done... and I did it with a cold :sad3:. Ah well.. glad that is done.
    He really is. He only wants to hear you and I Talking to eachother. Meldri etc :hmmm:
    Yeah. Jay and you are fun to play with. Jay should get a mic though. :hmmm:. He sold his :hmph:
    I like playing with you. If I don't play with you the game is boring. I play to play with friends. As for a gun. Once you get 44 take commando and then buy everything and get the g11 plus low power scope. What I use now.. I think. I love your guns :britt:
    Well we will see what happens tomorrow morning then Mel :britt:. Also are you kidding? I am terrible at the game. Yeah we should play sometime this week at night. Ill have my mic on :britt:
    Well Mel I like taking my time with nominations, :britt: Also yeah that is awkward... It felt disappointing that most of the good categories were left out. Some were actually funny. Well you will see mine tomorrow. Of course you will be on it... I think :britt:
    Yeah.. it is always like that sadly. But hey Ill be doing my nominations tomorrow morning. All will be serious :britt:
    Well you can use it... or me :britt:. Some have been using mine a bit I guess. Most understand it is a halo on top.. at least :lew:
    I guess so. What exactly do you want for one? I only have like 35 points atm. I am leaving them in the bank though, so the interest builds up every day :britt:
    Yeah the whole Jim committee did.. for sure. Your smiley should Be a Mel angel :britt: Or Mel bunny like you said.. :britt:
    I love my smiley. On FFF it seems to have a black line in the middle of the halo though. Oh well it is not a big deal. Hehe You can use it whenever. :adri: Oh and Jim.... I guess the whole committee donated to him and.. he was recently unbanned.. He got 3500 points in like what 4 days? Also girl? You sure you do not mean guy? XDDDD
    I only know this by checking the activity feed Mel. How do you like my smiley? :adri:
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