Sexy Beast
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  • Lmfao everyone is their own worst critic! No one likes the stuff they make but so long as others do you shouldn't beat yourself up over your work.

    And Lulz your comment about the rap made me laugh, Lew seems to have enjoyed it too :wacky: I hate generic rap like that, they're all about the same thing just said in a slightly different way.

    I think that's why I find Eminem's funnier stuff more appealing, because he's just out there teasing everything.
    I saw it...and it made me laugh....but it is not better than the Hangover one. :sad3: Please return it.

    :wacky: lmfao

    I think you summed up 33% of all rap music with that statement :wacky:
    Same for me, but in June. :sad2:

    I do not know where the years have gone. I do wish that I'd got into foruming when I was younger. I've learned a lot from it (when you wade past all the memes and spam trash :argor:). Though I'd be awesome on this Earth now if I was me now, but 15. That would kick serious ass.

    Anyway, this forum has been good for me, on the whole... I guess. Do you feel that you've gained from being on the forum that long?
    Haha I'm glad that made you feel better :grin: Your works pretty good and you're improving a lot, no need to feel down about it at all!

    I don't mind me a bit of eminem now and again :grin: Just his old funny stuff though, it makes me laugh, not so into his srs bsnss music.
    :O Ofc, Ken! I like it a lot :grin: And your siggy! Thank you for making them for me :ohoho:

    How are you anyway? :grin:
    I second what Mar Mar has said about your new set, Kira did a really good job :jess:

    Also yeah I do love Skrillex :inlove:

    Thats funny that guy switched genres like that to something like what they are doing now :lew: I hope they don't fall off of the side of the Earth like most groups do who are really popular and have a few good songs...then you never hear from them again. :(
    The original Pride and Prejudice is...old :damon: I watched the remake though :griin: The one with Keira Knightley in it. Its a romance of course...but loads of guys that I've talked to have liked it. WATCH IT!!! :rage:

    Thats Rosamund Pike who plays Jane Benett in one of my favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice :inlove:
    How was the second one because I never saw it :hmmm:

    If its good I'll put it on my netflix list :britt:
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