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  • Ah I see what you mean, what you were trying to say...err I mean day was "Who days days anyways". Fixed eeet. :elmo:

    Oh no! Now my spelling of eeet has been changed to eeet...what to I to? :gonk:
    Thanks Bugs ! Oh my gosh that was so cute.

    " Fine, I'll get a PS3 " !

    " Get..... out "

    " No "

    "...... Fine..."
    I know, but I'm so bored here and there's nothing to speak about here much anymore because Square-Enix are not doing much. Square do something !!
    Thanks Bugs for the support in the FF XII thread, I was getting ganged up on there and omgosh Bugs <3
    I don't know if I'd go to that extreme with things :lew:

    The ignore button in the sb is a wonderful thing. Don't let other people keep you from talking to people in the sb, that's ridiculous. If they want to be arseholes just put them on ignore and let them make themselves out to be turds to everyone else when they don't get the response they are looking for from you.

    I feel bad for the people who bought it late like Rich and Adam :damon:

    So whats new with you besides work n the usual
    I'm glad I sold it because all of my level 50 legends would've been useless after that level cap...all of that hard work for nothing :hmph:

    ...and gearbox should be embarrassed with that Aliens game so you'd figure they'd put more effort into BL2 stuff.

    I'd sell it if I were you :lew: I think I got $21 or something for mine
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