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  • Exactly we all know Jim wont be unbanned cause im sure many factors has lead him to be banned, but its still funny to bitch about it all...we just love Jim..AND to push some mod's buttons..but I'll stop now,I just hope you really saw the humour in it all..I apologise to you and to other mods for the nuisance I can be at times..:lew:
    I knew you was joking Shu,but I wasnt rlly being sarcastic cause I still have respect for you. Everything I say is most of the time sincere cuz I know when im funny and when I am not.....I just hate fake people and those that ALWAYS use those witty comments filled with sarcasme..

    Its imo a huge sign of arrogance..
    Whooooooooooosh. You hear that? That's the sound of me not getting it. :sad:
    Ooooh . :wacky: Then I'd have to be drinking Skittles Vodka. That stuff is amaaziing . :ryan:
    But vomit is vomit is vomit . :vikki: I wouldn't nom that no matter what color it is . luul ~
    Honestly, I know nothing about Dirty Harry. I just know that I'm matching the persona these days. :jtc:
    Thanks :D And awesome admin is awesome :lew: I enjoy reading your posts too, and it's nice to know someone who has a lot of similar musical tastes. It's hard to find people who like the same bands even in RL XD
    If I were to puke rainbow, I wouldn't know if I should be disgusted or fascinated . :wacky:
    Bah, there's something wrong with it. Don't know if it's a glitch or what, but I tried to play an AI and for some reason, there's only 2 cards available on my hand. Won't let me start a match. And I know we both didn't lose any cards when we played... :hmmm:
    Tetra? It's Triple Triad, buddy. :) Tetra is for FF9. Yes, I need to play more FFVIII. :wacky:
    A draw!? :wacky: Good game though, not bad for the first time in such a long while. Now if I can only remember what the elements do. :hmmm:
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