Thief of Hearts Joker

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  • Eh, I'm all for fanservice, but if it goes overboard, it get's kind of...superficial xD

    "Omg, there's a zombie chasing me down! Oh noes! My top came off! :O"
    I couldn't stick with Fate/Stay Night for some reason. I've been thinking about playing the original game...

    Oh golly gee, what's Highschool of the Dead about? :wacky:
    Are they any other animes you watched? I can't think of anything else I wanna talk about in regards to CG xD
    You're welcome. :andry:
    and I've been feeling mighty inspired lately, thanks for asking. :ryan: I'm just glad that Spring Break is in two weeks ~
    Oh, so it's not merely a different POV, it's a totally different AU take of the story then?

    Does Nunally pretend to still be disable when she get's that power? :hmmm:
    Really? How did I forget that? Then again, I haven't watched CG in a long time now xD

    Have you read any of the CG mangas? I actually haven't, but I'm wondering if I should give them a gander :hmmm:
    He probably did but we never saw it :P

    Although Rolo's geass only worked once per person, right? In fact, once-per-person is the general rule for geass, so if Rolo already used it on LeLouch, it couldn't work again, right? :hmmm:
    I plan on changing it again soon anyway. :hmmm:
    Did you see the edit I made to my post in your Graphics thread?
    I saw both X_x

    loli, shota, incest, yuri, yaoi, ecchi, and, and...There's probably more xD
    I thought that at first too.
    I stopped growing when I was 12 though
    and after checking, my hopes were dashed. :sad3:
    Sort of between a stretch mark and what would happen if I took a strip of skin away while shaving. :hmmm:
    *Shakes head* No, they don't hurt. Just scare me.
    I still dunno how I'm getting them...
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