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  • Aren't you lucky? Although you don't have too many PS3 games of your own you can easily mooch off your brother. On the plus side it helps compensate for your lack of games currently
    I should warn you that Valkyria Chronicles can be quite the difficult game as well. One chapter of that game had me stuck there for months. x_x Also while there are RPG elements the game is 90% strategy.
    Ah. Well RPGs like that are not rare anymore:P. I'd recommend trying a Tales of game. Your choices are between Abyss, Legendia(which is not that good), and Graces f
    Unless the art style is really that different I would count it since 1 and 2 have anime-style graphics.
    No problem. They're both really good so you can't go wrong with it.

    I think I an going to wait until Black Friday before I buy a Vita myself.
    I'd recommend playing P3 first though since 4 of the characters in Arena are returning characters from P3. You should be able to get both for quite cheap nowadays. Though if you have any plans to get a Vita you'd be better off waiting for that version of P4 to come out and just download P3: Portable from the Playstation Store. As for P3 the best choice is either FES(if you lack a PSP) or Portable(for PSP if you have one). According to Amazon you can get P4, P3:FES and Portable for $20 new so I'd imagine it's around that price everywhere else..
    Persona is fun. Although if you're talking about Arena it all depends on if you like fighting games or not. I love fighting games so it is no big deal for me. Though before you do play Arena I would highly recommend playing Persona 4 or watch the anime because there are spoilers riding about in the story mode.
    Because the enemy team stole her and we need to get her back.

    Also your new set makes me want to eat you even more now.
    To protect her. The object is to steal the your princess back from the other team while preventing them from getting theirs back. To make it harder for them to get her back you feed her cake. Eventually she will become fat from so much cake and it makes her harder to carry and will require more people to help carry her out.

    Also I forgot to tell you. If you ever want to use your mic in the game you have to hold R2 to speak or else no one will be able to hear you.
    You would think that but if that were the case then the priest wouldn't die very easily. That doesn't sound very fair now does it? :P
    No...sort of. The priest can't heal them self with their magic. However if you just stand still after taking some damage your character will take a break and start recovering health. This ability can be used with all classes with the exception of the Giant.
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