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  • haha I bet you will you little stalker :ahmed: I'll probably join you in about a half hour on Blops.
    :rofl: I have to admit that gave me a nice laugh. Thanks, Marlena.

    If you think that then you should go hunting on CoD. It's full of them :rofl:
    Sounded like it to me. Doesnt make him any less annoying though :mokken: I'll be sure to introduce you to him next time
    No, thankfully. The guy just spamming me and Mel with invites. I wouldn't be surprised if he did the same to Jay. He even messaged Mel begging to let him join.
    Yeah that's another thing about randoms. If you two aren't micing, items are first come first serve.

    We had a stalker last night that would not leave us alone when we were playing g CoD
    Ahaha I knew you'd like it!

    Are you up to date on Breaking Bad yet? I just watched ep 3 last night. It was Uh-May-Zing-Uh!
    Indeed. Have you ever ran into any problems with people in Borderlands thus far?
    Sadly that is true. They are either stupid or take the game too seriously. Make 1 mistake and they'll be down you throat very quickly. That's why I typically avoid them unless we're playing a big multiplayer game.

    I can't remember if you can host a public game. I'll let you know when I play later
    Yeah that's why I wouldn't joke around with randoms. They may take it way too seriously. Unless you actually want to troll them. Also it's a reason like that that I'd recommend always creating your own room. Though the same could be said for ransoms in other games too
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