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  • Marlo :O

    I am alive though only just after my weekend of drinking :(

    I love cycling though only when done as a cardio that I have to really push myself -- really weird I know :wacky: I hate it as casual enjoyment XD I read you like it too?!?!?!?! :jess:

    Long time no speak, how are you these days? :D
    I had two house parties back to back and i went into the great city of Nottingham to have a massive halloween rave. :) it was cool and i was born in nottingham so it was nice to go back.
    Yes :hmph: But she's being more normal again :reptar: So I get to see her like I usually do :grin:
    I think things are getting better :hmmm: She was nicer to me last night about it (after we fought again :sad3: more like me doing the fighting and getting mad and upset and her just not saying much) and I said I'd let her go do her thing and see how things work out after a day or two. But she came up to me twice today during passing time when I thought we were just going to go straight to class, so maybe things are good :grin: But the guy she thinks she likes apparently sits with who she was going to sit with so I'm scared :sad2: Every time she's been in contact with him since Friday when she went to a halloween party where he was there, she's said that "things changed" and acted all weird to me. It's evil :sad2:
    The last one. It's confusing. She thinks she has feelings for some other guy and it really hurts me :sad: But she still loves me and now she just wants a few days to think. I just hope she doesn't think too hard or anything and do something I don't want :\ I love her and would do anything to keep her :sad2: I just get so upset and unhappy and don't want to talk to her and swear and stuff :sad3:
    Talking now. She's extremely difficult. Thought it was fixed but it's not and it's irritating the shit out of me. :hmph:
    Well im english ;) we say everything in such a fluid and proper motion. I thought i'd differentiate a little and make something up :) xx
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