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  • :hmmm:

    I have to make a song about this now. "Trufflebutt, trufflebutt, trufflebutt, trufflebutt, truuuuufffffleee buuu-uuuuutttt...." *sings it an infinite number of times as annoyingly as possible* :wacky:
    It depends on what kind you get :hmmm: But if you get them fresh at a local chocolate shop, a whole box could run about $20 or so, depending on how fancy it is. A bag of twelve Lindor truffles is only like $3-$4 at the grocery store though :D
    They're the candies I have in my new profile pic XD They're basically just any chocolate-covered candy with something gooey and delicious in the middle :D Although it can also refer to a rare type of mushroom, which is gross >.>
    Well of course they are :griin: I wouldn't eat bad pretzels :mokken:

    However, they're not as good as these truffles that I have going on now :ohoho:
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