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  • Yes, but you are no longer our assigned caretaker. You must attend to the others now as well. :( My next partner will have to keep me in check.
    Sorry never got a chance to reply to your msg on psn. After you left during toni and I's next game my net died on me for 20 seconds and we lost connection and ended up stopping. Twas a lot of fun :D Going random is always good cuz your never sure who youl end up with. Sometimes however its not so ''random'' though and youl get the same character repeatedly. You were real good with Yoshimitsu and King. You used some moves ive never seen before.
    Who are your favourites to play with? Because me and squidder have played random pretty much since tekken 5 im happy with anyone really though i dislike getting Eddie, Tiger and Christie as i find them to be just boring and somewhat cheap button mashing characters. And il happily pass on Combot aswell :lew:
    Jin has had a major boost in this game. He was probably the hardest character to use whereas now he has some effective moves that are easier to pull off. Seems his kicks have a bit more range than what they used too also.
    Our 10 pm Friday night is 8.30 am Saturday morning for her. Shes usually up around 7.30 her time so if you can play around thaat time of night onwards itd be perfect for her. I know Damon can do that time and i know i can though i dont think Friday night would be doable for me until much later on in the night as im going round to a friends house to have a guitar jam. But sat night and morning i am free allllllll day. Sunday aswell.
    If you ever see me on on psn playing tttt2 and you wanna join dont ever hesitate to ask me for an invite. The more the merrier dude. Il set up a match and inite you straight away =)
    Hahahaha challenge or not itl be fun :D

    Maybe get you me Damon and Toni together for a 4 way match. Its been a while since ive played with a group of friends. What times are your mostly available at. Im free all week pretty much til Monday. Obviously me you and Damon share the same Timezone but my bestest buddy Toni doesnt and it wouldnt fun without her. Shes mostly available in out early mornings from around 7am -12pm ish. Though she has way more time on weekends like around 10pm our time. Im not sure what your schedule for work / uni. What do you do Dan? I dont believe ive ever asked :hmmm:

    We always play random so you get a good selection of different characters...tho sometimes random can be quite repetative on giving you the same characters :lew: But not knowing is quite fun...until someone gets eddy and then its frustration all round.

    And obviously i lied in my first sentence. I play tekken to destroy my enemies :toni:
    Here you go, sir: :kwehnitis: Tweaked the tail feathers a bit so that it matches his overall color as well.
    thanks... yeah sorry... I won't be a theif and i'll donate it back to you :3 cali beat u to it :PP
    I need like 3000 :lew: as I only have 2,700 gil atm, and I don't think anybody has 3000 gil to spare :P
    I'm enjoying it a lot, but I am not very good at it either!
    I love how many characters there are though, and i like that they're giving us even more for free... too bad all those new characters in the update are all just copies of already existing ones :(
    I know you like tekken tag 2 a lot :O did you do the update yet to get the new characters and levels? :ohoho:
    ''Yeah yeah lots of couples come here all the time, its fine i promise''

    Taking your date to a porno flick. Reaaaaal smooth. Lots of people wonder about the mohawk but i think its there to symbolise that hes finally 'lost it' Funny too because he could have ended up a notorious villain instead of a big hero had the gaurds not spotted him at the campaign and chased him away.
    Il need to play more lab mode to learn about how to pull off partner combos cuz im still clueless to that. Shes gunna let me download the extra characters from her account also. Because i never pre ordered i didnt get Angel, Kunimitsu, Ogre etc which is a shame as ive wanted to see the return of kunimitsu since i played her in tekken 2.
    Both laws play exactly the same. Ive never played as forest before until now but his moves are identical to Martials. Even his power move is the same. Also did you notice they reduced the damage the super attacks do? I used to love getting lucky hits with pauls burning fist but now it does so little damage its not worth using as your left open whilst it charges. And i managed to change into devil as Kazuya. Was it just me though but i thought he actually felt weaker as devil. :hmmm:
    So did im so i was surprised when it arrived at my door this morning.
    Me and toni and had some non ranking matches this morning. Played for maybe an hour and half or so. I won most of the games heh heh. Wer gunna play proper ranking matches 2moro. We both agreed wed have a warmups today and see how the connections were. Shes in Auz so you have to deal with a bit of lag. Tekken 6 was unplayable for us but tekken 5DR was fine and it seems tekken tag 2 is pretty good too. You get a little bit of lag here and theyre but its very playable. The first few games always seem the slowest and then the connection seems to balance out.
    Ahhh magic potions :lew: hahaha. I thought maybe he was getting self concious and had to dye his hair. I was playing arcade again on easy and Jun is still an utter nightmare. Easy is meant to be easy :sad: Not stupidly hard. I consider myself pretty good at tekken aswell and she just blows me away everytime. Did you notice the change in martial laws voice? In T5 he really sounded like bruce lee but now hes all high pitched and squeeky whenever he does his attacks. I just got resident evil 6 through the post today aswell. I didnt think it was out til november so it was a shock. I dunno whether to play it now or not :sad:
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