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  • Ahh right, I figured that's why you never showed up. Everything turned up great though for school, are you gonna end up going back for a couple years to finish the.. oh what was it.. not a course, but to get the next level so that you can do something else. Teacher, right?

    I haven't hosted many my own RP's here, but my partner pumped up the section during my absence in Survivor and with drawings and stuff.. Yah, I like to try be optimistic. The participation and the profile writing is key, so I'm going to do a lot of weeding in the beginning.
    I have. I actually liked the game. I think the voice acting was a little bad though. Crocell and Celestine were quite bad. Meh. I have been excited for TLOU for too long now. I will be the judge of it when I finish it entirely. It actually looks great. Maybe you would buy it?

    Western Society+ culture and languages. I am also doing some Italian. It is a 3-4 year course. Lots of writing, reading, and more.

    I agree. Pokemon X and y look fantastic. I love the region. Sonic lost world looks a bit meh imo. I dont like those six new villains.

    That is exactly how I am now. I am not being nice to her until she decides to apologize for acting like a 2 year old. It is the internet, yeah. The only problem is that I know her quite awhile and I would not want to let that go to waste. She probably is not aware of her behaviour atm. It might be exams, alcohol, or whatever the fuck is going on with her.

    I just do not appreciate her acting like a 2 year old at all.

    Is it worth trying to keep her as a friend? I really do question that.

    Hell, if you were here 3 weeks ago or so and kept coming on daily till now.. you would know why I have a problem with her now.

    She also thinks my Editorial staff application was just a huge whinge about staff. :lew:
    Infinite Undiscovery was alright.... I did not like taking control of just one character though. I hated that there were so many characters that had next to no role. It is an alright game but might get boring. Oh come on! Last of us is my most anticipated game. Do not talk like that about it :mokken: It is out on the 14th! Bioshock infinite is a treat and you do not want to miss out on it. Tales of Xillia will probably be my birthday gift. I want the collector's edition. Milla > Jude of course. Last remnant has quite a complicated battle system. Hahaha Uni is going to be so much work for me. Oh yeah... college was quite hard... but I think Uni will be worse. Yeah we sort of start later here. Pokemon X and Y? I will be all over that.

    Hmmm I am excited for e3 as well. Destiny, new X (monolith soft) and Smash bros are all on top of my list.

    I ask myself these days.... Why do I always play Mr. nice guy when all I get in return is all the shite that I really do not need? It is hard for me.
    Not sure yet. Kylie just disappeared during the final round and we're still waiting to find out what happened to her. We got let out without having to keep waiting.

    I believe it was.. maybe a year almost? Nah not that long.. you might still have the PMs, I do. Anyway I'll show you when we get it posted. We're set to really make a splash with the section this year and make it like it was. With my partner drawing characters and maps and mechs for it.. we think we'll make a good go of it.
    Hmmm.... I have not been playing much. I played Bioshock infinite. I recently finished infinite undiscovery and now I am currently waiting for the last of us. Yeah.. you know that fantastic game? That one :mokken:

    Bioshock infinite was most fantastic and you should have played it. Oh yeah I have the last remnant on my backlog also. I need to finish that as well.

    As for my foul mood? Blame it entirely on miss pmsing flower. I already passed all my courses so I am going to be going to Uni in September. I am only in this mood because of her. I am probably going to be working this summer as well.

    How about you? How have you been?
    Nice to see you also. Yep I am in a pretty foul mood. LOL! Depressed and lonely? Is that what she really said? It was her own stupidity that caused me to get pissed off at her. She thinks I am lonely? Just lulz. I am not depressed or lonely. I am PISSED OFF at her. I have no problem telling you why. LOOK! she even blocked me from viewing her convo. Just wow! I think she is pmsing or something, Martel.

    This whole thing is her fault and she is just hiding from me. She refuses to apologize. It is quite sad because I did not do anything.
    I've been in survivor the last month or so, so I guess that's why I haven't been around.

    The RP I PMed you aaaages ago.. my friend's been pumping the RP community while I was in Survivor so we're going to make shit stay on its feet. The band of experimental misfits in a facility as they escape for freedom. I'm putting up the discussion thread tomorrow/monday sometime.
    I am very delighted that you are here.

    You can take my place next week as site pessimist, as the E3 hype train derails and crashes, shattering everyone's hopes and dreams, inducing only tears and anguish, while I start my exams on Monday, so I'll probably not post much. Ahahahaha. Have fun~

    Oh and don't mind him. He's just a bit lonely and depressed.
    Yo ma' cracka where ya been? Here to stay or just passing through? I've got an RP with a villain with your name on it.
    The fuck are you doing back on? I've been fighting the good pessimist fight alone and it's only now you decide to show up again? Get the hell out of here! :rage:

    If you want Disgaea RPs up and running, I am afraid I don't finish exams till the 18th. Even better if I have had something to drink that night. It helps with the craziness.
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