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  • Yeh man Tom is one hell of a gamer. We played a lot of GTAV together with the crew. He always bests me with every single game. Talented for sure. I love playing games with you guys I truly do, but COD Ghosts I dont know bro...It seems like same ol' same ol' is it really different?

    I just ordered a sweet dolby surround home system for only 200 bucks it will arrive tuesday between 6pm and 9pm and I guess a new game should be in order :P

    Please convince me.
    oh, god man that's the worse :gonk: i hate when that happens. it's why i don't gfx much at all anymore. i wonder what causes that to happen lmao :rage:

    im sure they don't look terrible, though :mokken:
    omg we did well shit! we'll pick up though soon enough. i actually like the amount u can customise but im still tryin to get my head around the whole create a class business. ill be on in a bit if ur around we can have another crack at it. ILL HAVE TO SHOUT INTO THE MIC NEXT TIME!! :lew:
    That is exactly why I've never traded a game in! Even though I know I won't ever play it again I can't bring myself to get mugged off like that at least they offered u twenty sometimes the cheeky mugs don't even hit double figures.

    Ill be on today hopefully it'll arrive and we can give it a crack. You die instantly though it's crazy I can only imagine what hardcore must be like, lots of camps too I feel like the maps are too big
    Sorry for the late reply mate I've had a busy few days studying like crazy fml

    Yeah it's ehhhhhh alright not as good as mw3. Maybe it's been a while but I'm well shite at this one hoping that'll change when u jump on it. I haven't played much so I won't be far ahead of you, let me know when u got it and we'll smash it out some time!
    lmao, not gonna lie. my profile started out as satire because people know me as such a "patriot" here I thought it would be funny to do. :ohoho:

    im not sure of that girl's songs and their names, all i know is whenever my sister puts her music on I like it lmao
    lmao! I know someone who looks exactly like him too!
    P.S. I'm proud of my sheep shagging days :mokken:
    That's great, lew. smoking is really hard to quit (so I've seen) and people usually break in the first week or so. so to make it almost an entire month thats a milestone. are you on any patches or gum or something? :hmmm: my mom's tried a few and they never work.

    and i'm doin' well. it just hit me yesterday that this year only has a little over a month left. it's almost scary how fast this year went but at the same time it felt like forever.
    yeah gettin a good tele makes the world of difference but the money is a big issue especially when u have to fork out on a new console. I havent even done any research into the new consoles which is a first for me my interest is literally zero right now, like u said its a ton of money for something i dont particularly want. itll no doubt become more enticing as the choice of games grows but hopefully by then there will have been a few price drops! :lew:
    Thanks man hopefully the next ones will be easier! And that makes two of us mate, Im well gutted at having missed out on the new gun camos and player skins I reckon I might cave in and invest!! I'm not sold on the next shooters, Dennis says BF4 is quite good but I'm not sure about it.

    Are you gonna get one of the next gen consoles? It looks really unlikely for me even if I was interested I'd probably wait for a price drop and more games, but the way things are going Im not sure buying one at all would be wise seeing as Im not working anymore and if I wanna go to the world cup next year Im gonna need to save up a lot not to even mention the studies. I have to stay disciplined mate video games are like a drug to me!! :lew:
    I left a message on tom's profile and couldn't help but see yours, you quit smoking? :ohoho: that's wonderful man! good for you, pal!
    Yeah the studies have been alright I passed the assessments for the first module and there's been a short break which has left me just sitting at home twiddling my thumbs. I've smashed GTA out so much but I'm so bored of it now I can barely play it anymore. I went out yesterday with a bunch of my former colleagues which was nice.

    It's good to hear about the smoking man, 3 weeks! I must be tough though especially since for me whenever I'm not up to much all my bad habits catch up with me, but good luck with quitting it'll be tough but I guess it's all about willpower.
    I've been smoking even more, I probably smoke more than a whole pack of 25s if I'm going out. The only reason I'd want to stop was if I wanted the money more, which I don't.

    It's surprising how many of them live to be so old, Keith Richards, Iggy Pop, Lemmy, David Bowie all took/take shitloads of drugs and are still alive. Very few of them seem to OD, or at least very few of the famous ones do.
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