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  1. Infinity D

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Chance, Look. In regards to substance, your statement indeed has a connection. But in terms of logic, you have not made the connection with your original statement. Any grade school kid can grasps the logic of someone who gives a simple statement: “I also don't see it being love since...
  2. Infinity D

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Erhhmmm. Let's come to some kind of agreement here, ne? Step by step. Let's say that you're right that the word koibito doesn't always mean that a mutual love is implied. That it is a one-sided love. Then can you answer why the ultimania states that Cloud and Tifa realized their mutual feelings...
  3. Infinity D

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    I've already fixed it [somewhat]. But that's trivial to the LTD. Just like your claim that I'm changing the subject. What's the subject we're on right now? So you want someone to point a finger at your name and tell you to refute it? See. This is what I mean. you get into minor details and...
  4. Infinity D

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

  5. Infinity D

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    "Mind telling me who made that generalization first? Because I don't remember someone saying anything like that." Quoting Alantie: " If you've been in a romantic relationship with a guy for several years- supposedly- and have to ask him if he loves you, clearly there's something wrong there...
  6. Infinity D

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    "As already mentioned by Ryushikaze, it is perfectly normal for a woman to ask the man she is involved with if he still loves her, especially if they're going through a rough patch like Cloud and Tifa are. I don't see how that one line proves anything. " "Ryu also based it on anecdotal...