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  1. Vossler

    Hello everyone.

    I see. People seem to always complain about something. Well to bad for them. Thanks for the welcome. Pleasure to meet you.
  2. Vossler

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    I was amazed. Then laughed. I thought it was great that SE killed off a character you couldn't use.
  3. Vossler

    Aeon's names

    Ifrit-Cat Yojimbo-Bob Magus Sisters. Wench Bitch and Sally. Anima. Fishhead Shiva. Ice god
  4. Vossler

    FF Music Square Music Favorites

    Favorite Song: To Zanarkand FFX Favorite OST/Soundtrack: Chrono cross. Favorite Arranged Soundrack: FF 7 Favorite Composer: Nobuo Uematsu Favorite Vocalist: Rikki. Favorite Vocal Main Theme: Chrono cross Across Time. Favorite Ending Theme: FF 12 Favorite Battle Theme: FFX Favorite Boss Battle...
  5. Vossler

    How long did it take you to beat the game on your first try?

    It took me about 120 hours to complete. I am a level freak and decided to beef everyone up for the end.
  6. Vossler

    Criminal background search

    If memory serves, you can check your local state court lists for free.
  7. Vossler

    Are you ok?

    Well nothing is perfect in life. If things were perfect we wouldn't have to worry about war and violence and stuff like that. But hey we can't have everything so we have to live with what we have.
  8. Vossler

    Hawtest guy in Advent Children?

    Rude doesn't get enough credit. Wouldn't you feel intimidated he came up to you? I know I would want him to intimidate me.
  9. Vossler

    Hawtest guy in Advent Children?

    I would have to say that Rude is the hawtest. That badass look and the glasses, It would make any girl fall to her feet.
  10. Vossler

    Claim an anime character

    I am going to claim Auron from FFX. I love the way he weilds his sword. Oh and I can't forget Vossler.
  11. Vossler

    Who are your main guys?

    I wish I could have had Vossler as a character. But oh well. Mine were Ashe, Balthier, and Basch.
  12. Vossler

    final fantsy 12

    Yes actually you can still get the Zodiac Spear. Just go into the Necrol of Nabudis and it is located their. There are about 8 chests in a room where the boss chaos is. Check there.
  13. Vossler

    Hello everyone.

    Hello I am new to forums but not new to FF. My name is Layla and I am a student . I am a PHP/HTMl/MySQL major. I am also a future software designer.^_^ I like Vossler from FF 12 and have played FF for a long time. Hope to get to know all of you and have fun.