Who are your main guys?

I wish I could have had Vossler as a character. But oh well.

Mine were Ashe, Balthier, and Basch.
I aint finished yet, but my main three are Balthier, Fran, and Ashe. I wanted to use Basch as well, but, of course, I can only have three characters... Though usually my party ends up changing later on in the game o_0
i use all my characters keep them all leveled around the same.

Yeah all my characters know everything and are at the same level so it doesn't matter who I use. But I do frequently have Fran and Penelo shooting from the back while casting healing spells. Everyone else is up front hacking away.
well i used

vaan- hes a beast for me

basch-also a beast

ashe-white mage

my strategy was simple, attack and heal.
Van, Ashe, and Balthier for me.

Ashe was my healer, Balthier was my attacker, and Van was my support.
I would use everyone since I split my party into 2.

Party 1.

Vaan - tank
Balthier - Range with support magic
Ashe - Healer

Party B:

Basch - tank
Fran - Range with support magic
Penelo - Healer

I would probably go with the first party but if that party was 1 level higher than the second then I would switch and level them up, even if a boss fight was near it wouldn't really bother me which party went into the fight.
Party one

Vaa-Support magic and quick attacks- excalibur

Basch- tank and no magic user- golden axe

Ashe- Mad healer and magic user- cloud staff

Party two

Balthier- support magic and range attack at times, mostly uses deathbringer

Fran- Magic (black style) healer and range attack

Penelo- thief summoner and magic and teckniques

I use party one almost always unless I have something special I use the second ones but not all at once, They are all one level apart except Vaan is like 12 levels ahead of them all.
I power leveled mostly Balthier and Fran...because they're cool to watch run around the screen. I focused just on them, that's about it. Penelo too once in a while...the only one I seriously neglected was vaan : / just because
Well for a while i was with Vaan, Ashe and Basch... then I decided to level up some of my other characters and realised Balthier was still very good. He's still a few levels down but stronger than the others, so I replaced Basch with him.

Party 1:
Vaan- Main inflictor of damage
Balthier- Secondary inflictor of damage, secondary healer
Fran- Healer

Party 2
Basch- Same role as Vaan
Ashe- Same role as Balthier
Penelo- Same role as Fran

My two parties have the same gambit set, so in use, they're functionally identical. I also keep all my characters at the same level; when the whole party has grown by 1, I switch them out.