Who are your main guys?

I don't really have main guys.

I always kept Vaan in my party and swapped the other members around every 3-4 levels depending on whatever class i had given them.

Now Vaan is 99 i always keep my other Tank Basch in my team.
I don't have main guys at all either.

Actually, my whole party is stuck at level 35 at the moment because I always attempt to keep everything all uniform so that no one lags behind. If that ever happened (which at most was only a 4 level difference between weakest and strongest), I would just pair 2 of my strongest characters + the weak link to prevent the weak link from dying in the first few seconds of a hard battle.
I'm on my 2nd playthrough and I'm using a different strategy.
I always have Penelo in my party, She's the best character in the game due to her magic.
Then I just sub out my Characters every time they gain a level.
it goes like this, Basch -> Balthier -> Ashe -> Fran -> Vaan -> Basch and so on
I'm using Vaan, Balthier, and Fran. For a little while i tried using Ashe, but i just dont like her. I do keep her level up closer to that of my main party though, just so i'll at least have one decent backup.

As for Penelo....i could care less if her magic owns, she still has terrible hair and looks like a damned banana. I loathe the sight of her.
I had Vaan Basch & Penelo originally but i decided i preferred balthier so i swapped him for vaan (he should have been the leading man anyway)

Basch - big sword
Balthier - gun/crossbow/handbombs
Penelo - healer
You know what? After reading it a bajillion times, I finally discovered that it really DOES make things easier when you level up more than three people, however leveling all 6 is unnecessary (unless you do the uber hunts, which I didn't).

For the longest my main were Vaan, Balthier and Fran but eventually I started using Ashe, Bach and sometimes Penelo too. Ashe and Basch were around 6 lvls below my main members (Penelo was like 10 behind) but it worked just fine.

A little tip for those of you who haven't beaten the game yet:

Vaan, Ashe, and Bach all equipped with Deathbringers + already crazy Reddas = uber easy Pharos. Like seriously, it gives you a 1/3 chance of KOing something in one hit. And it's just satisfying to pummel the crap out of everything.
i just sold my deathbringer yesterday >.<

altho ashe is still only level 20 anyways, think i should start rotating my characters abit more, it's no wonder i keep getting had odff by gilgamesh....
Bah, that's no problem, you can steal them an infinite amount of times from that Mimic in the mines. Ya might wanna get a bunch just to sell even, since they go for a good price. It takes kind of a while to get a deathbringer though....after getting four I was tired of it.

Yeah, you really should lvl up at least one more person, preferably two. The Phon Coast is a great place for it, especially if you wanna solo somebody.
i was doing really well at levelling them up, i got balthier up from 16 to 45 which is where the others where but then i just carried on using him, now he is at lvl 60 and vaan is 45 lol

that embroidered tippet defo helps! i was thinking of going round the deadlands or summat cause the monsters there seemed to have quite alot of exp and kit everyone out with that
I went through the game with mainly the guys:


I used Ashe probably as my swing person to stay closely leveled up behind my third character just in case anything happened where I needed a quick sub.