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  1. Daan

    Vaan too whimpy?

    He: looks wimpy,whines alot and seems very feminine or hasnt been through puberty or somethinig, he completly misses the fact that Penelo is totally crazy for him! (thats what i know from how far i am...) I think he is very brave and all that, in fact he might even rock a little...:P...i...
  2. Daan

    500 Improvements This Game Needed

    Characters with a better story. It has 2 tramps that are orphans and live on the streets. a suicidal princess that never really did commit suicide a pirate and a playboy bunny that just want money oh and a genral that wants to protect the suicidal princess. other than that is a brill game! :P
  3. Daan

    Who are your main guys?

    well i use: Vaan Ashe Basch if i need range ill stick in Fran or Penelo
  4. Daan

    What's your highest chain?

    um, 101 on skeletons in the Lhusu Mines
  5. Daan

    Do Not Read This Thread!

    i already told you...don't read it...oh ok you can!^_^ Hi, its me, um...
  6. Daan

    Newbie Nerd Wuz Here...

    hey welcome to you and to me coz im new aswell,i wish i was born erlier ,im 14....