500 Improvements This Game Needed

Characters with a better story.
It has 2 tramps that are orphans and live on the streets.
a suicidal princess that never really did commit suicide
a pirate and a playboy bunny that just want money
oh and a genral that wants to protect the suicidal princess.

other than that is a brill game! :P
Characters with a better story.
It has 2 tramps that are orphans and live on the streets.
a suicidal princess that never really did commit suicide
a pirate and a playboy bunny that just want money
oh and a genral that wants to protect the suicidal princess.

other than that is a brill game! :P

Wow that's funny stuff...I don't know the game seemed really short to me...but maybe it's just me? Could have been longer in my thoughts..
Ashe is not suicidal..8D

Pay to attention to what the Marquis says.
Don't mean to be rude, but romance doesn't make a Final Fantasy game better. ;p
romance doesnt belong in games thank god this game didnt have any

romance will be probably the last thing this game needed and i seriously dont think that it will make the game better

this game was quite short the story needed to be a bit more lenghty most of you wont agree but thats my opinion
I was surprised by the fact that there was no story line... but I ended up not caring because I thought it wsa a lot better like that.... but I thought I could feel like there was some kind of sexual tension between Vaan and Penelo.
what do you mean there was no storyline and what sexual tension between vaan and penolo

i am confused
14. A better Battle System (ideally one similar to KH)

If that happens my brother will go off his head. He thinks Kingdom Hearts is "okay" but no way in hell does he want FF to have the same battle system.

I don't think there was any sexual tension between Vaan and Penelo. They are just friends and have been for sometime.

The supposedly main character (Vaan) should have been more involved with the story. Him having a real reason and sort of acting like the main character. Tidus wasn't the party leader in FFX but he the story did resolve around him. The other option was for him not to be the main character. This option would probably be more suitable since everytime Vaan talks, I cringe therefore he wouldn't make a good main character.

Balthier or Ashe would have been more appropriate. The story surrounds Ashe more but Balthier did act like the main character and did have sort of a role in the tale. Vaan and Penelo should have a better reason to be with them. I also thought that Balthier's character as a cocky sky pirate was ruined when it was explained he was a Judge. Wouldn't he have recognize Larsa at the beginning?

Too much walking for long distances. From Mt. Bur-Omisace to Archades is a long way (If you don't have any teleport crystals).