500 Improvements This Game Needed

I looooooove sidequests, the hunts are okay sidequests but they arent great because honestly, they hold your hands the whole way through so I wont count too too many of them. That leaves the optional espers and a few others (finding the cockatrice around the place, I think theres some viera I can hook up another guy with and a couple of other ones. But nothing really really interesting and cool other than the espers)

the sephiroth thing...well I actually don't care too too much about him, penelo I really dont like and I had to say something stupid as is my nature so...yeah
103 - This game needs an automatic blow-up-sephiroth-fan device for anyone who suggests Sephiroth be in XII 8D
i completly agree with you

104. it needed to have new names as many of the names were copied
105. why cant SE come up with good names even the new names were terrible
Er..how are they bad? 8D

It's just a name lol..I don't get it. Where were these names copied from? 8D
i am talking about the repeated names like ivalice and bhujerba these are only examples there many repeated names of creatures and some places as well
76. Processor ability to allow casting of high lvl magic spells at the same time. GRRR i hate that they can't

Basch is dead
Ashe begins using Arise
Enemy begins using Death on Ashe
... ... ... ... Ashe is ready to cast Arise but the processor can't handle two big spells at once... ... ...
Enemy casts Death on Ashe
Ashe fails to cast Arise
Your party is dead, please bring out reserve party :)
I can't recall how many times this happened to me. Soooo annoying.

106. Quickenings shouldn't completely take out your mana. Basically this whole ability is an all or nothing spell where it should KO somebody or else your completely open without spells. (basically this whole mechanic needs to be reworked)

107. X-potions should restore full health like they used to.

108. Remove the motes. The only one i found even close to worth using was the hastega mote.

109. Espers need to make more of an impact. I've never had to use an esper to help me kill a monster or even a boss. In fact even with Zodiark and Ultima they honestly didn't do that much as my characters could do.

110. Needs to be a bigger emphasis on role defining. The fact that any character could get any weapon you could easily make somebody like Penelo your damage dealer and Basch your caster. What sets this apart from FFX is that in FFX your role was defined by your position on the grid. You could gradually branch off but your role was still defined. In FF12 apart from stats your role was completely undefined and you had to mold them into what you wanted. Needless to say i wasn't really a fan of it.
112. Some cutscenes needed replacing with FMV's 8D
-areas of the map should have been bigger.
-a reason for quickenings, they could have atleast have has a meaning to em like you draw the power of espers or sumink.
-wtf is the deal with penelo
-why do all characters have a white dot on their face and pointy noses
-a black mage village
-better music
-rally ho and tally ho
-guns r usless why dont u get cids gattling cannon
-names that were no in other ff i.e cid hes in every mother efin ff, like i could be battling cid and be like i thought u were an agolop, oh that was in ff9 idiot.
-many more to think of but i got a cold and its like 50 degrees so im all stuffed at moment
-peace out.
-areas of the map should have been bigger.
-a reason for quickenings, they could have atleast have has a meaning to em like you draw the power of espers or sumink.
-wtf is the deal with penelo
-why do all characters have a white dot on their face and pointy noses
-a black mage village
-better music
-rally ho and tally ho
-guns r usless why dont u get cids gattling cannon
-names that were no in other ff i.e cid hes in every mother efin ff, like i could be battling cid and be like i thought u were an agolop, oh that was in ff9 idiot.
-many more to think of but i got a cold and its like 50 degrees so im all stuffed at moment
-peace out.

1) This is not Final Fantasy IX
2) Names that were in no other FF? Well..look at the main cast for example? Villains..?
3) As for the Zodiac Spear, why should they give you any warning about the chests? It's an optional item, so you use a guide for it.
122. Bosses are different from regular monsters (for example, they remodeled Behemoth to get Humbaba Mistant)
123. A bit more funny bosses like Fury
124. the occuria part was a bit hard to get
( make the game understandable ) dont make stupid stories
124. the occuria part was a bit hard to get
( make the game understandable ) dont make stupid stories
You mean the vocabulary was a bit more stretched? What, you want them to say "Yo yo yo, Ashe ma burd! Here's that sword you've been crying over! SMASH TEH CRYSTALz0rz!"


Anyhow, moving swiftly on :P

125 - A little more focus on the Judges. After the "House Solidor" scene with the Judges and Vayne, you don't see any of them together again and you don't fight another one for ages after that. Gabranth being my favourite and sods law behind me, Gabranth was shown almost the least. He was teasing me :P

126 - No one making threads expecting to find FIVE HUNDRED faults in this game.
127. more interesting beggining, and not something right out of a big budget Hollywood movie.
128. Less of a Star Wars feel. At times, it looks like George Lucas directed this one. ;)
129. Not have the battle system exactly like an mmorpg. They're boring enough when you're playing with other people. ;)
130. LESS fmv's. I don't like having the feeling, "so when do I get to play" for extended periods of time. I had this same problem with X. I've always felt that FMV's should be rare and only for very important scenes if any at all. Maybe I'm just too old school. ;)
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