500 Improvements This Game Needed

22. A wider variety of magic.
23. Blue magic.

HAH. Beat ya to it.
I love blue magic.
Most people don't like blue magic users (E.g. Quina and Kimahri), but they give the game a much wider range. =x
85. Ability to chose race, class, and sex as in FFXI.
86. Blue magic

Thing is..your point there, 85 is only for MMORPG setting anyway, pretty much. It's going to be different for a set main character based game. Otherwise, it's not going to be a proper console FF game.
... *cries* Don't remind me. Argue that one Judge Rulia... I don't care if the music was good... with the exception of the fanfare and the intro theme... it didn't have that Nobuo touch. :sad::sad2::'( Nobuo I miss you! *sniff*
... *cries* Don't remind me. Argue that one Judge Rulia... I don't care if the music was good... with the exception of the fanfare and the intro theme... it didn't have that Nobuo touch. :sad::sad2::'( Nobuo I miss you! *sniff*

It's like everyone claims he is the greatest composer ever - I doubt everybody has heard Sakimotos music before, so they're not used to the change of scenery. It has far more theatrical/big fantastic super awesome songs though in XII, compared to the cutesy ones from previous games :D
LOL The second I saw you on, I knew you were coming for this topic. I might as well have put up a flare... you're like a heat seeking missle for anti-FFXII. lol I love the game and it's great... but no one beats Nobuo. Not ever.
LOL The second I saw you on, I knew you were coming for this topic. I might as well have put up a flare... you're like a heat seeking missle for anti-FFXII. lol I love the game and it's great... but no one beats Nobuo. Not ever.

Alright alright..shuddup dude XD

Sakimoto is just as good - however, I can't say he is better then Nobuo just yet, not until I hear more soundtracks done by him.
... *cries* Don't remind me. Argue that one Judge Rulia... I don't care if the music was good... with the exception of the fanfare and the intro theme... it didn't have that Nobuo touch. :sad::sad2::'( Nobuo I miss you! *sniff*

*Wishes Those who fight futher, Vamo alla Falmenco etc was in there*

Even if they had just put the Black Mages versions in it would have been better
No it wouldn't. It wouldn't have fitted the scenery, the game in general. Rock music in FFXII? That makes me lol. Seriously.

Those tracks stay in THEIR games. It's like you all make Nobuo out to be a God. He isn't. XD
89. Extra time or slower time in the Mist Knack.
90. A disclaimer outside the box, Warning! Very Little Character Interaction

It's like everyone claims he is the greatest composer ever - I doubt everybody has heard Sakimotos music before, so they're not used to the change of scenery. It has far more theatrical/big fantastic super awesome songs though in XII, compared to the cutesy ones from previous games...

It's like you all make Nobuo out to be a God. He isn't. XD

LMAO... No... Nobuo Uematsu is no god and I thought Hitoshi Sakimoto's music in this installment was both good and great, but it will NEVER, EVER compare to Nobuo Uematsu style or masterpiece's.

Nobuo Uematsu is to Final Fantasy's as what a Jet Engine is to Jet Plane.

Nobuo Uematsu is the GODFATHER of Final Fantasy Music. Hitoshi Sakimoto didn't even come close.
It's like you all make Nobuo out to be a God. He isn't. XD

No amount of prayer can save you now. If you want to blaspheme take it to the religion topic. Why not say Moses had an afro or Jesus listened to N'Sync. That's a lot less blasphemous than robbing Nobuo of his holy status. :P
More like Nobuo is 20/10. lol

Aztec: Aztec, don't get this topic anymore off-topic! You're ruining it!
Aztec: Shut up, I created it!
Aztec: Well so did I!
Aztec: I know, moron! I am you!
Aztec: You did this with your Lu Shang's Badge topic too! Now it's about how horrible the Wyrmhero blade is
Aztec: The topic was dead after teh second post, what was I suppose to do?
Aztec: I dunno... how about you make some good topics for a change.
Aztec: Bite me!
Aztec: Fine, do it!
Aztec: OUCH!
Aztec: OUCH as well. I gave myself a bruise. :(
Aztec: You're a moron.
Aztec: Shut up, you smell.
Aztec: You don't bath us!
Aztec: *cry* You're mean. I'm going to read Don Quihote
Aztec: Yea of course, he's even dumber than you
Aztec: Unnecessary
Okies i retract the mages comment i can handle that, now dont get me wrong Hitoshi did a great job and i really liked the music BUT i know if Nobuo had done it, the music would be phenomenal:

An FF Related Simile:
Hitoshi = Ultima Weapon
Nobuo = Emerald Weapon


# 91. A Bigger license board I`m currently at the Ridorana Cateract (Avg LVL = 51) and 4 out of 6 of my characters have cleaned out the top half of the license board, mebbes shoulda added some more stuff like Blue magic or even some Geomancer abilities.
92. it needed to be longer i finished the whole game with the sidequests , main story and the espers in 65 hours
22. please, a easiest way to make money!!!!!!!!! i'm always short on money when i want to buy something imteresting
23. better-looking weapons please
24. better summons
25. where is the chocobo action???
26. a bit more of action in the scenario would be wonderful
27. The ability to have armour change your appearance
28. A better lead character without a dodgy haircut that blows gayly in the wind.