500 Improvements This Game Needed

*chuckles to self* There has never been any major love stories in FF. Maybe little hints of it, but since when does love make a successful FF story? Sephiroth. You know, this is pretty useless thread when one thinks about it. Everyone is going to dislike one little thing, and the build up of them all is like, going to give the game even more negative attention.

:/ *OOC I know, but who cares XD*
40. More money for defeating enemies.
41. Get rid of gambits. We can still use the old battle system in real time.
42. More references to other FF games (i.e. Sephiroth was not in this game!!!!).
43. Make the lead character emo.
44. Take away Fran's bunny ears (She'd be perfect if it weren't for those!).
45. Stop being a Lord of the Rings wannabe.
40. More money for defeating enemies.
41. Get rid of gambits. We can still use the old battle system in real time. Jesus Christ, Squeenix, do some f*cking work!
42. More references to other FF games (i.e. Sephiroth was not in this game!!!!).
43. Make the lead character emo.
44. Take away Fran's bunny ears (She'd be perfect if it weren't for those!).
45. Stop being a Lord of the Rings wannabe.

Seeing as it purely an Ivalice game, it has connections with TA and FFT. If you fight Gilgamesh, you'll find some extra references. Heck, even he is an old FF character! What's with the obsession with Sephiroth? I'm hoping that the majority of your answers..42-45, are bordering along the jokey lines. Because..they sound it. The Viera were designed to have long ears, so there, deal with the design ;). LOTR wannabe? LOL. And we already have enough emos in FF games :P

46. Change the Vieras attitudes towards Humes.
47. Make Vaan look not so shiny.(He looked like he'd been laminated or another layer of skin)
48. A function that has a fist come out of the screen and punt anyone saying Gambits and the Battle System are bad or, Sephiroth should be in the game
49. Make Ashe less stuck up(I hate her, I really do)
Stop being a Lord of the Rings wannabe

Amen to that!

50. No Olde English language - I can't understand what they're saying half the time :blink: I feel sorry for the Americans who can't understand a Modern English accent let alone an Olde English one >_<
Amen to that!

50. No Olde English language - I can't understand what they're saying half the time :blink: I feel sorry for the Americans who can't understand a Modern English accent let alone an Olde English one >_<

I'm wondering how it is a LOTR wannabee.....:huh:

Edit: The Confused Smiley and the Huh Smiley have the same codes.
LOL..whats so hard about understanding an English one :P
Please inform me about why this is a supposed LOTR wannabe..

EDIT: XD haha..I ain't the only one.
there was no problem with this game the characters were fine atleast most of them and the gameplay was exellent this game was really different and unique there is nothing to complain about this game and i was happy it didnt have any romance and that it had less references of other games this game was so unoriginal and i liked that

however there was one thing i didnt like about the game the plot
51. Delete the time limit when riding chocobos.
52. Omit Vaan's character completely. (Lol, kidding. I don't like him, but tis' alright.)

Erm, what's with the "Sephiroth was not in this game!" ...? This is FFXII. A completely new storyline and characters. Sephiroth is in VII. He was not in VIII, IX, X, X-2, XI, and XII. And I don't think he'd be in XIII either. =/
Erm, what's with the "Sephiroth was not in this game!" ...? This is FFXII. A completely new storyline and characters. Sephiroth is in VII. He was not in VIII, IX, X, X-2, XI, and XII. And I don't think he'd be in XIII either. =/

Because FFVII is like what the wheel was to cavemen, and they can't get over it.
some people are so crazy about the old ff titles they just want the new ones to be like them but completly disagree diferent is good
53. Better bad guys...They all just randomly popped up out of nowhere...
54. Better character histories...Each and every character lacked "depth"...
55. More interesting sidequests (i.e. not just hunting and killing 500 different monsters...)
29. The ability to walk on the overworld map

Hell Yes!

56. Victory dances during the "Congratulations" screens. It's the one thing I miss from random encounters.
57. Encounters should have been more like Super Mario RPG where you can see the enemies, and if you choose to encounter them you go into a turn based battle sequence.
..XII did have turn based battle sequences, you obviously didn't see that then while playing the game.

There were many more sidequests Rhea, but with you supposedly completing the game in under 30hrs, you wouldn't know about them.

So, some of you would just want to walk around a map, instead of exploring the earth properly? Weird.
53. Better bad guys...They all just randomly popped up out of nowhere...
54. Better character histories...Each and every character lacked "depth"...
55. More interesting sidequests (i.e. not just hunting and killing 500 different monsters...)

Yeh the characters werent developed enough

But really surprised i havent read my next point


fmvs were great but spoiled because of this

oh and the music coulve been more memorable.
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Yeh the characters werent developed enough

But really surprised i havent read my next point


fmvs were great but spoiled because of this

oh and the music coulve been more memorable.

The music was, I love the Boss theme particularly
..XII did have turn based battle sequences, you obviously didn't see that then while playing the game.
Exactly. The battle system hasn't really changed much, I just see it as a develoment to the classic ATB. only now you can assign Gambits and whatnot to the character you choose not to control and now you can move freely around enemies instead of being stuck in one spot.
Maps available freely instead of having to buy them, that would be a good idea, instead of having to run around trying to find the urn they are in, and getting ya bum kicked in the process.

More frequent save crystals too would be nice.
50. No Olde English language - I can't understand what they're saying half the time
I feel sorry for the Americans who can't understand a Modern English accent let alone an Olde English one
Uh, I'm American and it wasn't hard to understand any of the characters at all....o_O There were a few little things here and there that took some getting used to, but it wasn't bad at all :eek:

Zexion said:
You can never have enough emos
True dat homes. xD

58.) Better music - Sorry, I have listened to it, so before any of you tell me "I just need to listen to it", let me tell you, I have, because I have ears, and a computer with which I use to d/l musix. I don't like it. Only two music pieces I liked were 'Kiss Me Goodbye' and the bg music at Eruyt Village (and maybe the theme in that Crystal place)

59.) Appoint Balthier as the main character xD I don't hate Vaan, but I don't care for him either. Physically he looks....really weird to me. Mostly in the in game graphics though, he just looks ugly. In the FMV's he's a bit to 'pretty/mannequin' looking for my tastes but he's not ugly in them. And his whole personality I just fine boring, I thought Zidane pulled off the 'non-emo teen who goes off to save the world' way better. Oh, and Balthier owns everyone, so he just take his rightful place as leader xD