500 Improvements This Game Needed

Maps available freely instead of having to buy them, that would be a good idea, instead of having to run around trying to find the urn they are in, and getting ya bum kicked in the process.

More frequent save crystals too would be nice.

That would be less of a challenge now wouldn't it? There's generally save points at convenient areas. Too many, and the game would be too easy.
^ one before zodiark would be helpful cause the way there is very hard
and a save point in umbra or abysall would be good as well
60. The camera being fussy when trying to make the "!" appearing over chests

And christ one a wipplestick, stay on topic. Number and list here, discuss in the 10 other discussion threads FFXII has.
Erm, what's with the "Sephiroth was not in this game!" ...? This is FFXII. A completely new storyline and characters. Sephiroth is in VII. He was not in VIII, IX, X, X-2, XI, and XII. And I don't think he'd be in XIII either. =/

Hence why FFVII will be my favorite FF of all time.

Because FFVII is like what the wheel was to cavemen, and they can't get over it.

I'm over it. The reason I posted the 'No Sephirpth' post, was because I feel this game nedded a better villian.

61- Sephroth needed to be in it
62- Better villians
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61- Sephroth needed to be in it

I actually thought you were joking until then. Sephorith's probably one of the most overrated games characters ever ,and certainly the most overrated games villain. He was cool and all but, seriously, he's hardly the god some people make him out to be lol.
Hence why FFVII will be my favorite FF of all time.

Understandable...but I just find it weird that people kept saying that when FFXII is obviously a different FF game. I didn't hear anyone say "Sephiroth is not in this game!" when it came to VIII, IX, X, X-2, or XI. So why say it in XII? o_O


63. Longer storyline game length.
From what I can see, only QuicksilverD & myself have posted the "Sephiroth isn't in the game" posts. I can only speak for myself when I say this, FFXII lacked a lot IMO. The thing it lacked the most was a good likable villian. When I posted the Sephiroth comment, I did it because IMO the only thing that can save this game, is for Sephiroth to make a cameo in it........................
...........................................And I was also doing it to promote my fan club.

64- More control over the airship's destinations

65- optional recruitable characters
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The game had plenty of villains, not as overrated for sure as is the AMAZING Sephiroth. Hello - Bergan?

I'll repeat my views again, which basically mirrors what other people have said. Sephiroth, stays in FFVII. Sticking him in FFXII? Oh sure. Would seem very good to stick someone from a completely different timezone/world which would not suit him whatsoever. Just so he can make a cameo? "Save" FFXII? Hilarious XD. Just because someone isn't a psychotic bastard, doesn't make them unlikeable. Yes, Vayne needed more screentime, but he was still a conniving bugger.

Oh, this game does have a psychotic murderer - BERGAN!

68. More Judgely appearance.
From what I can see, only QuicksilverD & myself have posted the "Sephiroth isn't in the game" posts. I can only speak for myself when I say this, FFXII lacked a lot IMO. The thing it lacked the most was a good likable villian. When I posted the Sephiroth comment, I did it because IMO the only thing that can save this game, is for Sephiroth to make a cameo in it........................
...........................................And I was also doing it to promote my fan club.

64- More control over the airship's destinations

65- optional recruitable characters

Heh, alright so let's say it lacks a lot in your opinion. Fair enough. But it still doesn't make sense that bringing Sephiroth in would make the game any better. Why? Because then it would ruin the whole storyline and of course, the game "Final Fantasy XII." You could've just stick with the, "Better villains." post. No problem there. Just as long as it's not Sephiroth... because he already made his debut in VII and it shall stay that way. :)

69. More appearances of Cactuar. A bigger cactuar at that.
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Why do villains always have to be obvious to you all?

I see most of the Judges as villains, corrupt evil bastards trying to win power over people by force.

Pretty evil. Use your imagination, sephiroth fails as a villain, I'm sorry but he does.

69. Too many dungeons, make more open spaces.
True dat homes. xD

As to Angel Valentine's other point about the "non-emo-teen-hero", I think there have been a lot of this sort of thing in recent ff titles. When have we last seen a good old classic hard-assed, full-grown, (He doesn't have to be emo although Squall and Cloud were MAJORLY) tough guy as a main char. Cloud is a classic example, apart from having the most non-befitting name, you really felt cool playing as Cloud, and he really knew what he was doing in battle (hey I don't date the guy). Then FF8, Squall was a little younger but he was still cool. Zidane started the whole "upbeat teen" idea. I didn't mind because he was quite likable. Then Tidus came along. FFX had a really good story though so I can't complain too much. And we all know Auron was the real star. Now, in FF12 this similarity between lead characters is starting to wear a little thin. Hopes of a Cloud-like character have been lost as from early trailers we can see that the lead of FF13 is a woman. However, I'm quite interested to see what it will be like after the only all-girl experience (did that sound wrong?) we've had so far has been FFX-2, which starred a character we already know and love from FF10. Do not lose hope, for the lead role in FF versus XIII looks to be a real classic ff hero, and oh yes, he's emo. Anyway back to ff12 probs...

71. Dungeons = NO!
72. More adult content, the game is a 16+ for crying out loud! Don't we deserve a little swearage, maybe a little more blood, hellooo max payne? And I'm pretty sure Fran and Balthier were having some kind of cross-species affair throughout the entire game...?
73. Did anyone notice the characters had really weird noses.
74. People with American accents can be evil as well.
75. Make quickenings a bit easier to use.

76. Processor ability to allow casting of high lvl magic spells at the same time. GRRR i hate that they can't

Basch is dead
Ashe begins using Arise
Enemy begins using Death on Ashe
... ... ... ... Ashe is ready to cast Arise but the processor can't handle two big spells at once... ... ...
Enemy casts Death on Ashe
Ashe fails to cast Arise
Your party is dead, please bring out reserve party :)
I'm guessing they kinda wanted to make it so that the other characters were included, make them there, instead of being tucked away.

Kinda makes more sense when you think about it.

I don't get the main character thing though. Usually in FF games, any character last to die in battle = game over.
#'s people...

And yea, I like it a lot more. It pissed me off in FFX when you're three main guys would die and the game over music would play... while you had three healthy people standing a foot away.

Tidus: "Yuna, quick come in to save us!"
Yuna: "I"m on break"
Tidus: "Lulu, I'm the last one alive and if I die.... *gurk*"
Lulu: "I'm watching my soaps! Leave me alone! *cries*"
I hope this crappy melodrama reminded you of the crappy problem in FFX's fighting system. :D

#77. Never walk away from a crasher in a funny jacket
Hell Yes!

56. Victory dances during the "Congratulations" screens. It's the one thing I miss from random encounters.
I miss that so much too. No FF game is complete without the little victory dances. I also second the cry for playable Bangaa and Moogle characters, maybe a few more Vierra. Fran isn't the only one of her kind is she?

80.Gil found after beating monsters. It takes to long to go around, sell loot, and get around to buying stuff. Even then I usually fall short. >_<
81.Quickenings. They sucked, pure and simple. I can never tell what their gonna do before I get them from the Board, and all it is, really, is a showy attack. Make it something like in FFX where with their Overdrives you had to usually do something, like at LEAST press a sequence of buttons in a time limit for more damage.
82.The leader moving on his own. I realize he targets whenever he's about to attack, but I hate it when he starts moving around and I have to keep my thumb on the stick the whole time to keep him where I want him in battle.
83.The whole battle system. Didn't like it that much. I'm used to you going to a battle screen for the battle and taking turns there. If I had to run away or something they'd just keep following me, and more monsters could end up joining in the chase.

~Done for that short rant. :P
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84. Other party members not being able to move when casting. Move, dammit! You're preparing to cast! When you actually cast the spell you can stop but Jesus ceep uap you shit!