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  1. Esha

    Truth or Dare

    Vincent'sLucrecia: Yeah, I had my first kiss. It was not exactly a kiss but it was somewhat of a kiss. Though my dad says it was a head bang. Godspeed: 3 not including myself and people I don't know. My friends in a change room when I was going swimming with them. Vincent'sLucrecia: How...
  2. Esha

    Truth or Dare

    Broke the law twice, attacked a old lady and ran across a highway in front of a police car. Dares are I like " I dare you to PM [name] and say you love them". Truth meh again! Sephire: If you had to marry Tidus [FFX/X-2] or Riku [KH], who would you marry?
  3. Esha

    Truth or Dare

    Ohh lets play truth or dare! I love this game! You ask a question and either say truth or dare! Soooooooooo truth meh.
  4. Esha

    Hello Mellow Yellow ^_^

    Yay! Everyone is so nice =D
  5. Esha

    Who would win?

    Okay, rather just asking who would win a fight I wrote what type of fight. I know this type of threads are extremely popular but the results are always different. Stomp on me if there is already one. :P (didn't bother to dig through the old ones) a) A real combat fight? b) A "looks" fight? c)...
  6. Esha

    Smoking Can Kill You

    Yuck! Smoking is gross, they smell dreadfully and there teeth are always yellow and not to metion they have this horrible breathe, ahh gross.
  7. Esha

    Tidus/Shuyin Club

    I am so joining, adore Shuyin but not Tidus as much ^^;;
  8. Esha

    This game is stupidly easy

    I thought it was not that easy, but I suck at every game I play, I died about twice. --;;
  9. Esha

    Hello Mellow Yellow ^_^

    Hello everyone!^^ I found my way here by randomly clicking. :wink: I am a girl (for some reason people sometimes think I'm guy :mellow: ) and just extremely bored and decided to not get bored. How is it going? =D Well hope I get to know everyone! (I'm pretty friendly) :huh: P.S. If I ever get...